"Not to sound creepy, but where do you live?" He turned towards me and raised his eyebrows.

I chuckled. "Flat on the 5th floor," I responded and flicked my head towards the building in front of us.

His eyes widened, and a huge grin crept onto his face. "53B?'

I furrowed my eyebrows and reached for my gun. "Yeah. How'd you know?"

"I live in 53C! We're neighbours!" He yelled which made me laugh. I pulled my hand back at my side and relaxed.

"Well, hello neighbour. I never did get your name." I said, and he extended his hand.

"Niall Horan."

I smiled and shook his hand. "Marcel Styles."


"You're telling me you've lived in L.A, Chicago, New York and Canada? Why would you come back to England?" Niall asked then stuffed his mouth with popcorn. I laughed as the popcorn fell from his mouth to his lap.

"I don't know." I lied. I knew why I had moved back, but I couldn't tell him. I barely knew him, and it would endanger him.

"I guess I missed home." I lied again.

"If I were you, I would've probably stayed in Chicago. Is the pizza as good as they say?" He asked, his eyes lighting up like a little kid's.

"Uh, yes. The pizza is amazing." I told him. The pizza was the only thing I ate in Chicago.

Niall checked his phone and sighed. "I gotta get going, mate. It's a school night, and your first day is tomorrow."

I groaned and threw my head back. "Don't remind me."

Niall laughed and helped clean up. "It's not that bad, but I'll feel sorry for you if you get Mr Anderson."

"Why?" I asked, getting up to help, too.

"'Cause he's an ass."

I chuckled and leaned on the wall, and he grabbed his coat.

"Hey, Niall?"

He turned around to face me and fixed the collar of his coat. "What's up?"

I could feel the heat going up to my cheeks. "Could, could, you, uh, show me around tomorrow? I don't know anyone else."

A grin slowly crept onto his face. "'Course, but you have to be ready! I don't like being late."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," I smiled, and he gave me a bro-hug before leaving. I locked the door and sighed. I turned the telly off and went to my room. I stripped out of my black v-neck and skinnies. I set my alarm and snuggled into the soft and comfy sheets.

Hopefully, the power shuts down, and the school's got to start late.


The power didn't shut down, and I woke up to the excruciating sound of my alarm. I extended my arm and slammed around my nightstand until it stopped ringing. I sighed in relief but then groaned because I remembered that I had to get up and get ready for school. I turned around, so I was facing the ceiling. I sat up and threw the covers off of me, the cold air immediately hitting my body. I got up, grabbed a towel and walked to my bathroom. I turned the water on and took my pants off before stepping in. I wasn't like most people who took hot showers. I preferred a cold shower, instead.


After I showered, I changed into black skinnies, a white tee, a blue flannel over it with the sleeves rolled up.

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