Chapter 4 ~ Teams

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X's PoV

As I made my way down the road for the team picking, I hummed a tune. I thought about the teams, i hope I'm not in Sakura's team. I walked down the road, my eyes landed on two ninja doing poses in a corner of the market, one was a giant green gummy worm and the other... A OLD GUMMY BEAR RAPIST!!! So being the mature person I an I screamed in my 'manly voice'
"OH MY GOD, AN OLD MAN TRYING TO RAPE A PERSON!" Everyone stopped, every mothers faces went dark their eyes turned white. Their heads stiffly turned. THUD. Down went the old man. I better run so I ran straight out of that place.

I made it to the class room on time and sat in my usual seat. I studied the room as Iruka walks in, lets say as he announced the teams I felt a bit creeped out.
"Okay team 7 Naruto Uzamaki, Sakura Haruno..." Naruto jumped up and Sakura got depressed, 'please dear god allow me to keep my sanity!'
"...and Sasuke Uchita!" I let out my breath I didn't know I was holding, while Naruto got depressed and Sakura jumped up,'honestly I'm embarrassed of her'. "Oh and due to the amount Jack Lakima!" With that last comment I faced palmed into the desk.

'Uhhh where is the jonin' i mentality screamed. As I looked at the pitiful sight. Naruto pulling a prank, Sasuke practicing his famous Uchita religion and Sakura....dear sister, how can one like you have survived. As the door open in comes... OH DEAR GOD.... the rapist from before!!!

Poof.. the board rubber hits his head, Naruto you idiot, laughing on the floor. Sasuke you emo, being a smart ass. Sakura you stupid, stupid person, trying to apologise.
"I hate you all, meet me on the roof" the pervert says. Everyone is in a state of shock, me well let's think of the positives..........well that's the whole list, great. As we make the way up to the stair we see him, is that a porno?

"Okay introduce yourselves" the guy says lazily.
"Any last you" He waves, I look around stupidly and point to myself.
" alright in Jack Lakima, I like training, water, fighting, eels, sharks and weapons and sweets. I don't like bullies flower and fangirls and basically all bed thing in the world. My dream is to defeat his finally beat his (make something up)." I smile. Blah, Blah, Blah, and everyone's gone, *sigh* leaving me, alone.

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