Screams Amidst the Fire

Start from the beginning

Incisor lunged for Jason, trumpeting. Jason leaped up, straight into the air, sailing under Incisor's swinging fist. He struck the top of Incisor's head and somersaulted off, landing behind him once again. He twisted and laughed loudly, trying to sound as obnoxious as possible.

"Come on, fat ass!" He yelled at the elephant metahuman. "What, did you eat a whole diner of doughnuts before we showed up? I've seen grandmas who move faster than your bloated butt!"

Jason expected Incisor to fly into a rampage at the insults. It had worked before on similar opponents, such as Zeus, Kaiju, and Rebar. But Incisor turned around slowly, even calmly, and snorted as he rose up.

"Childish insults," He rumbled. "Is that what your government has been reduced to? Using children with mutations as soldiers? I've seen combat all across the world. I fought alongside men, against men. You, boy, are beneath me. So stop dancing and let's get this over with."

Jason blinked. Well...that was a bit unexpected. Incisor then lunged forward, swinging his tusks down at Jason. Jason lunged to the side but as he did, Incisor's hand lashed out in his path. Moving too fast to stop, Jason slammed hard into the outstretched giant hand.

It was like slamming into a steel wall. Jason was knocked backward from the impact, the wind knocked out of him. He hit the street, landing hard on his back, stars dancing in his eyes. He groaned, lifting an arm and clawing at the sidewalk. But as he struggled to rise, Incisor loomed over him. The elephant man snorted contemptuously, before raising one enormous foot and slamming it down to crush Jason's head.

But two things happened as the huge foot came down. Energy blasts streaked through the air, pelting against Incisor's head. Incisor roared and staggered backward, but kept his foot raised. Off balance, he nonetheless thrusted it back down at Jason. But the split second had given Jason time to react. He shoved the ground with one hand, managing to roll head over heels out of the foot's path. The titanic limb slammed down, crashing through the street. Jason raised his hand, chunks of splintered concrete flying past him from the blow.

Incisor looked up and Hiroshi streaked past him. The elephant man growled before turning his attention back to Jason. He flexed his enormous shoulders and blatantly ignored the flying kid, before taking a step to Jason. But before he could take another, another obstacle flew down and planted herself in his path.

Audrey now stood between Incisor and Jason. She was breathing laboriously, her posture slightly slumped. But she nonetheless raised her fists and said through clenched teeth, "Get away from him, you son of a bitch."

Jason couldn't help but crack a smile. He also noted the clerk wasn't in her arms anymore. Even with those gaping wounds, she's still fighting and rescuing people, Jason shook his head, looking up at the towering beetle girl. Audrey always did surprise him with how strong she was, not just physically, but mentally. Despite all her problems, all the efforts to drag her down in life, she'd only emerged stronger, better than before.

Incisor looked at her. Behind him, Hiroshi circled low, aiming his hands at the elephant man's back. Jason pushed himself to his feet, rubbing one burning arm. He coughed and snarled, "Give it up, asshole. You're outnumbered."

Incisor sniffed deeply. He slammed one fist against his open palm before cracking his neck. "Please." He growled, still sounding utterly bored by the whole situation.

He then threw himself at Audrey. Audrey braced herself and the two giant metahumans slammed into each other. A shockwave of force was ripped out by the blow, hitting Jason and knocking him back. Audrey and Incisor locked arms, pressing against each other as they wrestled against each other, each trying to gain an advantage, their faces inches from each other.

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