Chapter 4 - Musuem

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The follow morning
I woke up and go to the meeting room on time
I get some breakfast and walk follow the people
Then I saw Johan and I sit with her "Hi Johan" She's look at me like I just strangers "Hi" she's say hi back and there's quite for a while "Why you be here?" Johan ask me by the way she's still with her food "My school project they choose place for me" I answer normally "Morning girls" Corner say hi to us behind me "Hey Corner" I turned my face back and say hi back

Corner sitting down and eat his food
There's so quiet no one say anything until we finish the food "I gonna take you guys to the museum"
"Sound interesting" I answer back to Corner.
Johan still quite and using her phone.
We get in car and of course I listen to Charlie's songs.

Later today
We arrived at the museum. There's many history and the old old objects here. I walks around finding ideas for my song project. I uses to holding my notebook(it's full of Charlie's pics that I drew) and the black pen. Today I wearing the white shirt with the green and yellow jacket actually the jacket also have CP letter on(you know what I mean lol) and the black ripped jeans, look cool right.

A hours later
The guide are told people to get back to the guest house I feel little happy because I'll organize my note there. A few hours later I arrived and get in my room I don't really talk with Johan I don't know why but she's too quiet (me too) I started to reread my notes and gathers it together. Then my phone started to notification the message and it's from Amber!

I stopped my notes and started to talk with Amber
Amber: Hey, how you doing?
I looked out the window it's full of the white cold things called snow
Alexa: I'm good, there's full of snow hby?
Amber: I'm fine, just got back from art gallery Ontario.
Alexa: Cool, me either back from Alaska museum
Amber: good, how was it?
Alexa: not that bad it's was a lot of things there but I just wanna hangout with you .-.
Amber: duh me too!
Alexa: well, I'll do my project see ya!

I comeback to my notes and I guess tomorrow I will go out somewhere..

Destiny [Charlie Puth fanfic]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ