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Chapter 11 - Day/Night one
Wednesday, December 26
2:40 AM
Where am I? "F*ck" I mutter out of a hoarse voice. How long have a been here?

I look at my lingering covered body, all bruised up. I have been touched. And they want to touch me more. This is sickening. I want to cry. I want Liam. How did this happen. This dimly lit room is eerie. It looks big but I cant see very distant from the one green/yellow lightbulb that is in the ceiling. I feel so dirty.

I observe my surroundings. A camera. I'm in chains. No windows. A tape recorder. This has to be a dream. This cant be a reality. This is stuff you see in the movies. I grab the tape recorder.

A low voice begins to speak. "You have awoken," the voice frightens me, "you have questions, that wont be answered. You're going to die alone in here. In this very room. " I begin to cry. Stop, Emma. Crying will get you no where.

A door opens. I crawl into the corner. "You're so fucking hot." The low voice says. He has a jason mask on and a bloody knife in his hand. Im terrified.

He walks over to me and a tear falls down my cheek. "what do you want from me?" I spat as he got closer to me. "To take you right here right now." He lifts my body off the ground by a high ponytail that im guessing he put in.

He straightened my hair and put oil on it and my body before I woke up.
He squeezes my boobs and I just want to throw up or pass out. He goes behind me and I feel a hard member, piercing my lower body.

I sob silently and pray that this isnt happening. He slips his hand into a burgundy piece of lingerie that I suppose he put onto me. And slips two fingers into me. I scream and moan painfully. He leaves me as I slide onto the ground numb and trembling. "Until next time" he says kissing me. I immediately spit and wipe my mouth.

That was the first ive ever been touched like that.


Yes ik very short but the next few days will be short chapters just for sake of reading and details. Short days because she does nothing except well... be abused. Most of the days will be short and I will skip a few days just for the sake of her doing nothing. Thanks guys ♥️😍😘

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