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It was again a nice fine day with birds chirping outside the Chittor fort for Manikarnika. After few days of interval and discussions, the Bundelakhand Emperor and party had finally left their fort a little whimsically for her. Maybe they cowered themselves at the thought of war, she thought. Though their army was one of the most advanced army in whole Hindustan, still they were mediocre in terms of experience. Her father refused to speak about anything, but she knew that he was gathering assasins, and smaller troops around the counties. Out of their notice, she managed to uproar an army from common people, and implanted them incognito to the nearest places around Afghan camp and at the fort.
They had brought the most mysterious news to her, which quite amused her and frightened her also. She requisitely had got news that bigger armies from Deccan Sultanate, Bijapur was aacending towards Rajputana, and according their pact, the time of reconciliation was getting over in span of three years. Thought it looked like a bunch of time, it was not and she knew it. Their economy was drastically going low and in addition to the two years worth drought and famine, their economical balance was tipping off. In one word, they were still wartorn, and in no condition to take on another strick. They would crumble into ashes, also in literal sense, and that made a sick feeling crawling to her stomach.

There was nothing much left to as it was quite peaceful, and boring too. The army and herself was jobless at the time. She strolled around fort, occasionally visiting the arena, and watching the soldiers gossiping and chuckling, sometimes erupting with laughter. She knew it won't stay for long. Three years were way too close. They were sitting idle, and soon they would be in the horror of battlefield. Her heart twisted painfully, and she walked away breathlessly. She cursed the traitor who was plotting bwneath their back. Despite knowing, she stood helpless in middle of nowhere.

The trumpet blew signalling the final in-charge duty changing for the day.

The incharge duty.

It struck something in her mind which had turned foggy in her mind. She had heard from one of the guards about the frequency of change, and she herself had noticed the pattern. She quickly took long strides towards administration. The privy council was probably busy, so she had ample time to research.

Her visit to administration was unexpected, and as soon her name was annouced, the servenrs scurried away, leaving no room for breath. They bowed in reverence lining up in two sides. Her face was quite stern at the moment, scaring some of the servents in the way. She looked nowhere and straightly headed for the manager Ratan Singh, who was busy gossipping with his fellow officers. They stood by in attention as soon they took glance of the Imperial Princess.

'Princess... We are glad to see you here. How come you're suddenly here, Baijiraj?'

Bhoj Singh, who was quite jovial person, took a deep bow and smiled.


The servents again scurried away from the arena, leaving both of them alone, and Bhoj Singh kept tugged in.

'I find you quite disturbed princess. Pardon me for audacity, but what is it which caused such disparity to our Princess?'

Gesturing Ratan Singh to calm down, Bhoj Singh spoke. Her eyes were fixed on Ratan, who gulped in turns of panic.

'That may I ask to Ratan Singh, Bhoj Singh. I think I told everone to get out.'

Her eyes now fixed on Bhoj, who again smiled and bowed.

'All what you want, Princess. But listen to this poor man once--never it is that what you see in front is true.'

She was quite surprised and smiled. Her cold smile always brought chill to the old accountant. She raised her eyebrows in surprise, and he nodded in agreement. Bowing down, he left the place, marking his absence with a creak of the door.

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