10.Rattling swords

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It was just after dawn, when Manu settled herself near the field arena, and started to block her rage on the mud dummies in front of her. Last night she couldn't sleep, nor stay awake in exhaustion. It was a battle of insomnia which she was fighting woth all her might, and failed miserably. The letter of Bhojraj Singh was still fresh as new rose petal in her mind. It was about 35 years old, but she respected it as much she would to Rigveda.

If you respect me, or our ancestors, you would let any Saka or Chauhar take place in this Chittor again. I don't know whether you'ld obey my words. It's natural that you didn't see me. But remember, what I wrote was seeing my experience of this world. It's you who's going to be better, not me.

She had accepted the parchment, and vowed to her soil that she would pull off the every word that was written in that letter. It was something he couldn't do for his children. And her mother made her belief, she was not only their child, but to every brother of her father.

Her eyes stung in exasparation and resent. Her sword swashed with more speed than before, perforating the wind much harshly. Her stance was changing every moment, and she was having a periodic stroll in the arena. She had her eyes covered, lest anyone saw her forming tears. It was very unusual that she didn't spill tears in sadness, or joy, rather in resentment. Her brother laughted at her for this which she heartily wanted to avoid. Her agressive posture was not going still, and all the dummies' heads were laying in account of her wrath. Having no fellow target she groaned in frustration, and suddenly stopped in attacking stance after hearing some footsteps on the rough sandsoil of the ground.

"Someone seems more angry than she should be at morning hours."

"Dare who!'

Her sword moved in circles to be ready for attack, when her head followed the owner of the voice. She heard a merry chuckle from distance. Her teeth clattered in anger, as she knew he could be one of the chauvinist.

'I am sorry if I infurated you, I had no intention of it, by Deva.'

Suddenly the playful turned rigid, and she had an unabated urge to see his countenance.

'But I would want to have a duel with you. Your gloey flows through the entire Bharata, Rajkumari, and I really want to see if it's true what they say. Are you really manifestation of Devi Shakti? '

His voice held something else, went he keenly observed his stance. Her posture didn't change even after his words. She laughed shaking a little, and said,

'It would be only an understatement if you say only I am manifestation of Devi Shakti, Noble man. And if this is a trick to distract me, I apologize, but you failed. Hiya!'

Withought wasting any moment, she charged towards her opponent. Their swords clanked unabatedly, at the dawn of the day. The harsh sound of clashing metals woke the palace. Both of them was no less, and it heeded to no conclusion.

'I wish I had someone like you who could help me exercise.'

Suddenly the unknown man spoke still handling the sword.

'Whatever do you mean?'

It continued for infinity. They were losing breath and toppling over, but the zeal to defeat another one was not fading. They panted for some moments holding their keens, and now, the man challanging had a cloth over his eyes.

'You're too good to be defeated'

He finally said.
'That's not true. You have to be my Guru to defeat me.'

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