Chapter Twenty-Two

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"Torn in two, And I know I shouldn't tell you, But I just can't stop thinking of you... wherever you are, you..."

- 5 Seconds of Summer, Wherever You Are


A Bartender's POV

There was a young man with curly brown hair and piercing green eyes that were unfocused walking around the casino, bumping into a couple of pool tables and slot machines.

I left my post, even though we were busy, and only five people had shifts today.

"Hey!" I hollered above the crowds. Some people looked up and stared at me, but I didn't care. "You, sir!"

The man stumbled towards the card dealer, Bill, and whispered something into his ear.

My co worker nodded slowly but didn't do anything.

The drunk then went mad and punched Bill square in the jaw.

"What the hell?!" Bill roared, but the brunette tackled him, punching him repeatedly in the chest.

I ran over to pull him off. "You're drunk, sir!"

"No, I'm not," his voice said, sounding sober, but his eyes and breath told me otherwise. "Get your fucking hands off of me!"

"No, I'm going to take you back-"

"I said let go!" he yelled, pushing me off. My back slammed into a column, feeling hard and cold against my spine. I tried to push myself off, but my back popped everywhere, making me fall on the ground.

Bill and I exchanged looks then we both called security through our walkie talkies.

"There's a drunk man at the casino, near Bill Howard's station," I spat with a low voice.


"There's a crazy, psychotic man being violent and we need security!" I yelled. Then I looked up at a large, dark shadow towering over me.

My hand held device was taken from the two of us and was thrown across the room at the large mirror on the opposite wall.

People started screaming and scattering everywhere.

"Fuck you!" a loud roar erupted. My eyes peered up.

A gun was in front of my face.


Everything blacked out.

I felt my body slowly losing consciousness and blood from my head.

The last thing I heard was a loud, high pitched scream.


Alex's POV

I watched a horror movie right in front of my eyes. The once calm and funny Harry morphed into a devilish monster. A loud gasp slipped out of my mouth when I saw him throw two black devices towards a large, fancy mirror that cracked and fell down. People in that area ran away as fast as they could, but unfortunately, a couple of people got cut from falling glass shards.

"Security!" a loud yell came from behind me.

Then a loud bang! sounded, reminding me of when the older man named Paul or something shot my thigh. It hurt just thinking about it. Thank, God, this hotel had a first aid kit.

I cringed with fear when I saw a limp, bloody body fall onto already stained floor. I expected a man with curly hair and lifeless green eyes to appear underneath some figure with brown boots, but it was an unfamiliar guy.

Holy shit. Harry killed an innocent!

Tears poured out of my eyes, and a shrill screech left my mouth.

The dark, possessed figure turned around. His face was covered with drops of sweat and blood with a hard and angry expression plastered on his face.

"Alex!" he gasped.

I shook my head as he dropped the gun.


I whirled around and ran towards the exit. I couldn't handle being here any more. He was right. He was nothing but trouble and a huge mistake. Why the hell did I agree to leave that hospital with him?

"Stay away from me!" I screamed before leaving the building.

I rushed over to a nearby small shop.

"Hello, miss," an older woman with a name tag that read, "Juliet," said sweetly. "Would you like to buy something?"

"No, thank you," I replied, feeling guilty. "I didn't bring any of my money with me..."

Her face didn't change. "What do you need then, sweetie?"

"Could I just stay here until you close?"

"I have to close up shop in two hours," she said. "You're welcome to hang out in the back. I just brewed coffee."

"Thanks so much!" I practically cried. I hugged her tightly before running into the back room.


Harry's POV

I'm a fucking retard. I fucking fucked up.

I watched her cry and run out, but I didn't follow her. Instead I saw a swarm of cops stomping in my direction from behind me. I bolted back to my room and grabbed some shirts, jeans, and boxers as well as Alex's purse.

"He's in here," I heard a yell from down the hall.

I panicked. The only exit I saw was the windows.

I took a deep breath before throwing the microwave from the kitchen through it.

"Hurry up!" the same man yelled, but it was quickly approaching.

I breathed heavily before everything happened in slow motion.




Glass shattering.

Heart pounding.

Wind blowing in my messy hair.

And bullets flying around me.


Josh's POV

"I can't believe you cowards let Styles get away!"

The group of strongly armed and protected men were panting, out of breath. I was confused on that. Their lazy asses did nothing.

"Well sir-"

"Chase him all through Las Vegas," I barked. "He can't escape us any longer!"


"Helicopters, regular cheap cars at the nearby headquarters!" I groaned angrily. "Fucking go! Just don't let him know who you are. Arrest him and contact me immediately once you catch that bastard!"

"Yes sir!"

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