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Never will I write again,
My feeling are mine I will never share,
I won't describe what the heart feels,
Not to the ones who do not care...
Never will there be any shades of grey,
The space within, let it be,
The longing so great for unfound truth,
Let it go and set me free...
Never did it matter more,
All go on with their daily chores,
The sun also be bright and warm,
And emotions cloud my thought doors...
Never so blank, never so dark,
Dull the colours of life have become,
The breaking dawn aches my heart,
Now I wish the mornings do not come...
Never such feelings crossed my heart,
The sounds now bang in my head,
Those mistakes that weren't meant,
Still haunt me when I lie on bed...
Never for once was I so broken,
My smile is gone and none can see,
Sometimes I ponder what's wrong,
The world around or just me...
Never did it seem so lonely inside,
People around but no one to share,
This thought just pokes me day and night,
Will it matter when I am not there..?

A beautiful feeling called... LOVE...Where stories live. Discover now