chapter 23

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May's aunt had to travel and may had to stay with her other aunt ... aunt Sophie ....

Some of aunt sophie's friends came over and one of them has a kid which was a year older than may ....

The fight was of the most ridiculous thing ever.... chicken...

May's was with her brother when lisa (aunt sophie's friend's daughter ) brought a plate of rice and chicken...

Aunt sophie said that there should be chicken in the fridge so May's brother could have food to take to school on Monday ..

May asked lisa and her mum if there was any left in the fridge and they both said that there was in the fridge so may didn't bother checking .....

That night May's brother annoyed her and then he is also was being really disrespectful ...
May had told aunty sophie about it ...

Later on aunty sophie then said that may and her brother should go back to May's house since her aunt was back (aunt bebe)...

So may then told her brother to get his uniform but he was watching TV and got upset that may asked him too ... and then decided to misbehave....

Aunty sophie then started shouting that he is six so how should he know what his uniform is ... and because he heard what his mum had said he then brought out his play clothes and asked  If that was his uniform ....

She then started shouting at may again before they left...

May had gone home in tears and yold aunt bebe all that happened and then later on at 10 :30 aunt sophie called and started shouting  that may should come over and that there's no chicken in the she has to make another now...

May tried to explain and then aunt sophie said she should come over now and god should punish her....

Aunt bebe sent a message that it was rather to late for may to come over  and switched off her phone ...

The next two days may went over to give them their stuff that aunt Bebe had gotten from her trip , when she got there aunty sophie started shouting that may still didn't come and that she's a bitch , a good for nothing person and that she never wants to see her in her house again that she is banned from her house ....

lots of love ... maya❤

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