"Nah! It's totally okay, dude!" Ohmygodohmygodohmygod. You damn Americans. Why are you so nice?

"Your Minnesota is showing," I joke.

"Huh? What's that s'posed to mean?" He smiles.

He sure is clueless.

"You're being really nice. I'm Norwegian, I would know about the Minnesotan stereotypes," I explain.

"What steryotype?"

*le insert Oslo's facepalm*

I sit, my mouth open wide, eye twitching. He. Is. So. Dumb.

"Shut your mouth dude! You're gonna catch flies or somethin'!" He laughs, pushing up my lower jaw.


America just went out to buy organic food. *-* That means I might have to eat.

I don't want to puke! I hate having to. It's just the worst.

I'll hide out in my room. Yeah...


I just ate breakfast. I feel completely and utterly disgusting. Just... Blaghhhhhhh no.

*insert purge noises*

Okay, that's over.

What I'm afraid of is that they might make me eat lunch and dinner. I hate purging.


I have to exercise. Yeah, that will help me. I know it will. I'll run around the block a few times. Then I'll do sit-ups. That's what I'll do.

I'm just about to walk out the door when-

"Oslo, come eat lunch with us!" My mother calls.

Panic panic panic. No. Don't. I will cut you.

"Um... Yeah! Just let me get something from my room!"

~in her room~

What do I do. What do I do. Help. God, I know I haven't prayed for awhile, but help me out of this. Let this be over. This entire ordeal. I would rather drop dead at this point. Help help help.

It hits me. My eyes fall on the window. It's a large bay window, the kind with the seat on it. I've always wanted a window like the one in this room. I glance back at my door. No one seems to be coming.

I slowly open the large window, my arms shaking. The screen goes up with it, allowing access to outside.

It's now or never.

I'm twenty stories up, yeah up at the top.

I'm so done with all of this. Everything from the last few weeks.

I polish off this bottle now it's pushing me off.

I dangle my legs over the side, the breeze blowing on them.

Asphalt to me has never looked so soft.

I push myself the rest of the way out. I'm not going to deal with any of this any more. I don't scream on my way down, nor do I smile. I remain expressionless the entire way down.

And if I survive, then I'll see you tomorrow.

I hit the concrete, and suddenly, the world ceases to exist.

Iceland's POV

We're about to sit down to lunch when we hear a thud outside. We look at each other, all of us confused. A look of knowingness registers on Poland's face, and he dashes out the door. A similar look registers on London's face, and she sprints to the front door. The rest of us follow like lost sheep.

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