"She's Never Been My Type"

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Skyler's POV

I walked into the Potion's classroom and sat down, greeting Professor Slughorn and apologizing for my tardiness.

While Professor Slughorn chatted on about whatever it was he was even saying, I thought about that boy, Regulus. I saw him at the Slytherin table yesterday, chatting with the girl he ran off to today. He seemed so . . . afraid. Why would he be afraid of a person like me? Am I that intimidating?

His brown eyes seemed so frightened when he looked up, and, when he turned around, he was all flushed and seemed as if wanting to run . . . which is exactly what he did. Amos Diggory snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Thinking bout Janice, mate?" He asked with a light-hearted chuckle.

"No, of course not. She's obsessed with me, it's so creepy."

Janice Goliath was the girl that every Hufflepuff adored. She had long, silky, silvery-blonde hair with electric blue eyes and a smile that was bound to make any boy's heart burst. She had the ideal body type: skinny, but curvy with all the right curves in the correct places.

We all know that her goal was to be an item with me ever since she spread around that rumor that I had kissed her, which is disgusting, by the way. She tries to draw me in but I always run back out. She's never been my type.

No girl has ever been my type because boys are my type.

Damn, I know this is short but I found a perfect opportunity to add this little bonus. If you didn't get it then...basically...SKYLER IS GAY AS F U C K. Okay?

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