Chapter 7: Explain

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"Now, this will be a lot to take in, but considering the world we live in, this shouldn't be as much of a shock." Alex starts, all of us sitting down on a red couch in the living room. If I didn't know any better, I'd say this is more like an office meeting then anything else.

"I came from an organization called ZFSM Corporations. It stands for Zombie Familiar Soul Mate corporations. Before the apocalypse, they planned to create a new world, starting with destroying this one."

"Before you jump to conclusions, I was forced into joining. I joined when I was just fourteen, sold into it like a slave. They were sick minded people, ran tests on children under eighteen. They wanted an evolution of sorts, but their plan backfired when one of the test subjects became a zombie.

One of the doctors noticed the change, and walked in uncovered to ask what happened. I think we can all guess what happened afterwards. The zombies avoided us, we were able to all get out and lost most of our people from raiders along the way." He paused, waiting for a question he expected. I didn't know what to say, let alone asking a question. 

After long silence I raised my hand to signal I was about to talk. "How many to do you have left?" I ask. "Counting me and the guy who escorted you here, about four of us. The rest are in the basement training." He answers.

"Back to the story, these marks on Azure and I's arms signal the mark of the test. Judging from our blood type, when Azure got infected, I did a sort of link to her mind so the infection can't take over her.

If you've ever read werewolf books, you'll know that they have things called mates. I suppose you can call Azure and I that. After we meet, we can never kiss or fall in love with anyone else. She is infected, so missing anyone that isn't the same as us, will get them infected. Without a soul link, they would turn zombie." He stops again.

"Why don't zombies avoid me then?" I ask. "The marks on your body are not fully "grown". You would need it to be at your neck for the zombies to ignore your scent. They can approach you with a different objective though." He continues before any of us can ask a  question.

"Zombies have a certain rank thing. The highest would be the zombies like us, only higher in abilities. Azure and I rank at the top while she is under me. Before you dirty perverts misunderstand, that's for another time, don't misinterpret." We all laugh, my face doesn't even flush. 

"However, its ranked like nobles. Top class, medium class, and low class. The regular zombies that you see mostly are the ones I am talking about for low class." He stopped for a second waiting for questions.

Then, the man earlier came running in. "Alex, we have a load of zombies that just came running in! The guests aren't safe!" He exclaimed. We alll stood up, quicker then you could blink, and panicked.

I quickly pulled a dagger out of my boot, and grabbed the other attached to my hip. Everyone grabbed their weapons, Alex's marks started glowing, and he stood there, looking as if concentrating. 

"Guys, be prepared, Alex, protect my sister, everyone else, watch each other backs!" I ordered, going into leader mode.

Here we go again...



Sorry for the super short chapter, I got surgery recently, and typing hurts my stitches a lot, sponge I recover, ill update even more. Bare with me guys, I should only be about a week or so until I'm healed, so I'll be back to update you along the way.

Happy Thankgiving/thanksgivinf eve depending on when you read this! Bye bye!

- Bella

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