Chapter 1: "An Ordinary Day"

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Could you imagine if it's just an ordinary day, you're having a good day so far, and ready for action, then all of a sudden everything crumbles? That's what happened to me just yesterday. Nothing was wrong with the world, we were happy.

My name is Azure Stone, and this is how I became a solitary survivor.


"Mom I'm heading to school now." I say getting up from my chair. Everything was going great, I was about to adopt a dog, had a name picked out and everything. Little did I know, someone was at the door. 

"Oh! Hello, is there something you need?" I heard a weird growling sound coming from the strange person, I was terrified, didn't know what to do. "Umm Sir.. is something wrong?" I asked, unsure of what was happening. 

Then, out of nowhere, he tackled me. I screamed, trying to kick him off. But somehow, He managed to deeply scratch my face. Just then, my mom came in. She looked terrified, and rushed to push him off. I was already on the floor, crying my eyes out. The scratch managed to scratch from my forehead to my cheek, not touching my eye.

"Mom... mom help me!" I yell, but how could she help me? This would leave a scar, and who knows what could happen? "Shh, its all right honey. You're fine." She tries soothes me.

I look over to the limp body now laying on the floor. My eyes widen, and my breathing got heavier. I was terrified, truly terrified. "T-the police," I whisper to her, trying to catch my breath, "call them."

She nods, rushing over to the house phone. 

"Hello? A man just came in, h-he attacked my daughter." I hear her on the phone. "Yes, yes," she answers, "21 Blossomhaven Lane." She says, before hanging up. "Let me clean your wound. You can skip school today." I was shook to the bone, didn't know what was going on.

I sat down on our couch, turning on the tv to watch the news.

"Many people have experienced attacks, attacks like biting, scratching, growling. Every person who was attacked has apparently turned into these zombie-like creatures. If you have been attacked call the police immediately.

Stay inside your homes, do not go outside at all costs. Further instructions will be given once we find out more" at this point, I hyperventilated. I was getting dizzy, what was happening?!

My mom brought the water over just barely, she brought a tissue, and some other medical supplies. My mom was a nurse, my dad left when we were small, and my little sister was still sleeping upstairs, she was only 4 years old, and I was scared of what could happen to her.

My mom started cleaning the wound, she heard the news as well and was shaking a bit. We had some weapons that our dad left before he left, cliche as it might be, he was a police officer.

They seemed like a perfect couple, the typical nurse/police officer couple, and they were, until a fight happened and we found out my dad feel in love with someone else. Since then she's worked so hard to make us happy.

I couldn't ask for a better mom, she was my world along with Athena, my baby sister.

We heard a knock at the door, checking the window to avoid accidents like earlier. I got up as my mom was putting away the supplies in the cabinet in out living room. The police were at the door.

"Are you the daughter who got attacked?" He asked me, no emotion whatsoever. "Yes" I replied sheepishly. "Where is the person who attacked you?" I pointed to the guy on the floor. The officer nodded, picked up the body and hand-cuffed him to be safe. 

"If you watched the news you'll know to be careful. Don't let your family anywhere outside, and keep checking the window if you here a knock, if it's not the police, DO NOT answer." A different officer answered. I nodded, shaking still.

"You may be infected, when you go to sleep, lock your bedroom door and tie your limbs to the bed." Tie myself up? The news surprised me more. Why would I need to tie myself up?

I nodded, closing the door as they left. "Mom I'm going to check on Thea." I call out, Thea was Athena's nickname. "Alright Azure, I'm going to check our supplies to see if we're going to be okay."

I rushed upstairs to hear her crying in her crib. "Thea?" I call out, opening the door of her room. I go over to her crib and picked her up.

She stopped crying, and was wiping her eyes. "What's wrong Thea?" I ask, her hair scraping against my cut. I winced, feeling it sting. "You have a scratch on yu fwace! And I heard you scweam!" She cries, her baby talk still coming out. She hugs me tightly, and I wanted to cry just from that.

"I'm fine, I'll be alright." Truth was, I had no clue if I'd be alright. I brought her downstairs, and plopped her in her high chair. She was really small, and still needed a highchair. I made her some food real quick and sat down to go on my phone and check on the rest of my family.

After many calls and texts later, I found out a few of my other family members in the area had the same problem. My friends didn't have any problems, and said if I needed, I could come to them.

I relaxed, keeping up with news until it was time to go to sleep. I knew I wouldn't have school and did as they told me when I laid on the bed as my mom tied my feet to the posts.

I looked like I was kidnapped. It's that sad.

And I feel asleep.



Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Wanted to write a zombie/virus book for soooo long! Anyway, this isn't a typical zombie book, there is a twist, and you'll find out in the next chapter! 

Until then Ladies and Gentlemen, see ya next chapter!

- Bella

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