Drew couldn't find anything else to say. His wife was one of the most deserving women he'd ever met, but there are things he can't control. He wanted to give her a baby just as much as she wants one but if it wasn't happening the way they imagined.

Drew picked up his cellphone and called his brother.

"What's up?" Derrick answered the phone.

"Hey, you busy right now?" Drew asked.

"Not really. Keeping myself busy by looking through some paperwork while Angel is out. What's up?"

Drew sighed. He wanted to know why he and Alex couldn't get the baby and wanted to know what he could do about it, so who else to talk to about then his brother?

"I need to talk to you about some stuff." Drew finally answered. "Can I swing by there?" He asked.

"Yea, sure." Derrick answered. "Maybe we can have a beer or two." He suggested.

"Alright, I'll be there shortly." He said before ending the call.

He then went into the bedroom and found Alex unpacking. "Babe, I can unpack our stuff. You can relax."

"No, you'll wait about a week to unpack if I left it for you to do." She chuckled. "I'm not doing anything else right now. I'll do this then start on dinner."

"Well, I'm about to run over to Derrick's for a minute to help him out with something. Need anything while I'm out?" He asked.

"Not that I can think of right now, but I'll call if something comes to mind." She assured.

"Okay, sweetheart." He kissed her lips. "I love you and I'll be back."

About twenty minutes later, Drew was settled in his brother's home office.

"What do you need to talk to me about? You sounded sudokus over the phone." Derrick leaned back in his chair.

Drew sat back in his chair and sighed. "Remember the foster baby we had a while back?"

Derrick nodded his head.

"She was the baby that we looking to adopt and the last time we heard from the agency, everything was good." He pauses and took a breath. "Just got a call today saying that they found a more suited family for her."

"Oh wow. Just like that?" Derrick sounded sympathetic.

"Yea, just like that. Is that legal?" Drew asked.

"Yea, it legal." Derrick answered. "It's up the the agency to decide who gets the baby. A lawyer can't do anything about that."

Drew felt bad that there was nothing he could do. "I guess we got a little attached to her in the little time we spent with her." He admitted.

"You shouldn't have done that." 

"I guess this baby isn't happening for us then." Drew picked up his beer and took a swallow.

"There's still time. Just wait on it."

Suddenly, they heard someone come in the house. Derrick could hear that it was Angel's voice, but they heard another female's voice and it almost sounded like an argument, so they left the office to check it out.

"What do we do now?" Candy questioned.

"Just relax, okay? You can stay her for a while and I'm sure things will die down." Angel assured.

Candy paced back and forth in the middle of the living room and Drew and Derrick walked in.

"What's going on?" Derrick spoke, startling both women.

"What's wrong with y'all?" Drew asked, noticing how they both jumped.

"Nothing." Angel answered quickly.

Derrick looked to Candy and saw how nervous she looked and then his eyes went back to his wife and her guilty behavior.

"Angel, what's going on?" He asked again in a more concerned tone.

"Nothing, Babe." She said sitting on the sofa. Candy stopped pacing and sat next to her.

"Candy?" Derrick spoke to his sister.

Candy let out a deep breath. "We might be in trouble." She started. "Gloria showed up at my apartment and tried to come for me but then me and Angel kind of shut that down. We left her there and ran off."

Angel gave Candy a look of disbelief. "You are worse than my damn kids." She shook her head.

"What did y'all do to her?" Derrick asked.

"Nothing major, just popped her in the mouth." Angel shrugged.

"Angel..." He said in a stern tone.

"Look, that woman was being reckless and was coming for Candy and I wasn't gonna sit back and watch." She shrugged again.

"Did y'all hurt her?"He asked.

"She tried to hit us with a damn crowbar!" Angel fussed.

"Did y'all hurt her?" He asked again.

"She didn't seem too hurt." Angel answered.

"You know, she can press charges." He reminded.

"I'll fight her in court too." Angel rolled her eyes and folded her arms across her chest.

Derrick sat on the couch, away from them, to think for a moment. There was so much going on with his family.

"Well, I'll just head on out."

"Aight, bro." Derrick said. "I gotta sit here with Thelma and Louise" he shot a look to Angel and Candy, " to get to the bottom of this mess."

"Tell my sister-in-law I said hey." Angel smile as if Derrick wasn't ready to fuss at her and Candy.

Drew chuckled and made his way to the door and on his way home.

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