"Sir I'm going to have to ask you a few questions about what just happened." A lady in a police uniform turned to me and said as Quinn's Dad was being pulled out in cuffs. I nodded my head and started to explain.

"Well I'm here for my daughter. I adopted her a while ago and that was kind of her original father. She had an allergic reaction today so that's why we are here. He was an abusive asshole. He recently got out of jail. My band is on tour and we are at one of our stops now. He found out she was here and has been harassing her all day. I guess he say the media with the story about us rushing her to the hospital so he showed up here."

"Why did he hit you?"

"I told him to leave and he didn't like that"

"Well I'll need to know your daughters last name so I can find her father. There is many rules to him being out. Since he has showed some violence he could end up back behind bars."


"Alright. I'm done with all my questions. I hope your daughter feels better."

"Thank you" I went back to sit down in the seat that I was in before but right as I got there my name was being called.

"Mr. Stump?" I walked over to the nurse."Quinn is awake. We want to keep her here for a little bit but you can go back and see her if you want. Only a few at a time though." Tyler Brendon and Josh all look at each other then turn back to me.

"Well head back and help the crew. You guys stay." Brendon says.

"Keep us updated" Tyler adds. The three of them head out as me, Joe, Andy, and Pete head back to her room. When we get there she is sitting up on the bed. I could tell she was exhausted. The bags under her eyes gave it away.

"Hey Quinn" I said to get her attention.

"Oh hey guys. Dad! What happened to your eye?" I gave her a confused look and Andy held his phone camra up to my face. The spot where Quinn's father hit me was already starting to form a bruise. I guess I didn't realize how hard he hit me because of how angry I was.

"It's nothing don't worry about it."

"No tell me."

"Your Dad was a bad ass!" Pete exclaimed then Andy and Joe both hit him for cursing.

"What do you mean?"

"Your father. The real one. Was here demanding to see you. Then Pat here ran up to him and told him to leave." Joe informed Quinn.

"Yeah then your Dad didn't like being told what to do so he hit your father. The cops took him out." Andy added. I could fear in Quinn's eyes. That monster found a way to mess with her again. I grabbed her shakeing hand and reassured her.

"He is gone now. He won't hurt you ever. We are here to make sure of that." She nodded her head and the nurse walked in.

"Once you sign this paper you are free to go." I got of the bed and did as told. "Now be more careful. Have a good night." She then left us alone in the room.

"Let's get out of here." By the time everything was signed and good to go the sun was starting to rise. We all got ubers and started to head back to where the buses are parked. Pete and Joe jumped in the first one while me Andy and Quinn waited for the next to arrive. Quinn ended up passing out in one of the chairs of the waiting room while we waited for are ride. I just stared at her. I felt terrible. It was my fault she had the allergic reaction. I should have payed more attention. I should have known that her dad was going to show up to the show. I should have never let her go alone. I was stupid. I shouldn't be a father.

"You know you can't blame yourself for everything that went wrong today pat" I kinda forgot that Andy was right next to me.

"How did you know"

"I know you. You over think things. This kid loves you. Patrick she was dealt a terrible hand, and you have done so much to make her life better. You can't blame yourself."

"But it was my fault that everything happened the way it did today. I shouldn't have let her leave by herself. Then I should have been more careful."

"You can't keep her on a leash. Quinn is a smart kid. Your not always going to be around. And as for the alerigic reaction. Well shit happens. You can't possibly expect that you will never make a mistake. You a great father Patrick. Don't sweat the little things."

"Your right."

"I know I am. Anyway are uber is here." Trying tot to wake Quinn up, Andy picked her up from the seat she was in and carried her out to the car. We started to head back to the venue.

"Thanks Andy." I said as the car started to pull away and he gave me a side smirk.

"It's what I'm here for"


AN: nother chapter down! I have no clue how long this story is going to be so I guess we'll see. Any who... I got my Christmas tree today and I'm hype. 

Ok byeeeee lol

Adopted By Patrick StumpWhere stories live. Discover now