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A young woman's voice screamed as she felt her eyeballs being burned by what felt like liquid fire as a gravely voice cackled, "Let's see how well you see without your pretty little eyes." She was at her limit. It was a bad idea to engage in combat with this man, no, this creature. Her mind was in a panic. She needed a way to escape this beast. She was flung carelessly on the ground.
She rolled and called out the source of her power. Perhaps her power would have a way to save her. She opened her damaged eyes after seeing what would save her, "You have a bigger fate than killing me! You will meet an old enemy that defeated you before!"

She felt a hand grip her hair, "What did you say?" She felt his breath on her face, "Jojo. you will meet him again." She felt the burning sensation drip down her face as the liquid poured out of her eyes. She had this guy now. He was hooked on her words, "Withing the next three years, you will have a chance to fight him in a rematch. My prophecies are guaranteed to happen."
She felt him stumbled as the secondary effect of her power gripped him tight and he was thrown off of her. The young woman ran away, her enemy did not pursue. He had his own thoughts to attend to. Besides, she looked like she was about to keel over anyway.

She could not see out of her own eyes, at least she had her own power to see with....

She felt familiar and comforting tendrils wrap around her. The images of her surroundings flashed through her brain as she ran from the creature that clothed himself as a man.
She had to find this 'Jojo' and warn him.

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