Can you keep a secert?

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While everybody was at the guild Lucy kept looking impatient. Everybody didn't notice, but Gray. Lucy had then left the guild and headed into the forest and Gray followed. Lucy sat at the river then she froze it. Gray then came.

Lucy- Why are you here?

Gray- Because you've been acting weird lately even when we found you and we were leaving you had a impatient face and I also saw a book where you were at.

Lucy- Okay you caught me. What do you want Gray?

Gray- Nothing, but what I want to know is why are you acting unusual?

Lucy- Because ever since I was five years old I been studying my....

Gray- What?

Lucy holds her hand out then it started glowing purple and a sound proof barrier form around the two.

Lucy- Look Gray Zeref is my farther. I have been studying his work since I was on the island. I was smart and intelligent at the age of four so every time my dad left the library I would study his work and creations he was going to make, especially that END one.

Gray- Wait so you are Zeref daughter and you know about END?

Lucy- Yes. I know so much about END and information I could answer every question.

Gray- So why did you actually want to leave?

Lucy- One I wanted to travel and two I had to study some stuff that might happen in the future.

Gray- I see. Who is END?

Lucy- If I tell you, you can not engage or show any sign.

Gray- I promise.

Lucy- END is Natsu Draganeel.

Gray- I don't believe it. Well I won't engage or show any sign.

Lucy- Thank you for listening Gray.

Gray- Your welcome.

Gray had then hugged Lucy and Lucy hugged him back. What the two mages didn't know was Natsu saw them, but he couldn't hear them. The Fire Dragon had left confused and sad.

Thank you for reading and this is the end of this book. Book 2 will be coming out Readers so get ready. It might take a while because I'm doing other stories.

Daughter of Mavis and Zeref ,Lucy life in Fairy Tail (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now