Dragons Attack Part 2

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Natsu - Your gonna pay for what you did to Lucy.

Future Rogue- You better be lucky because I saved y'all butts'.

Sting - Yeah , but why would you do something like this.

Future Rogue- Because when this happened only 2 people  survived and those 2 were me and Lucy . Now that she is gone the whole world will be safe and the gates
will be closed.

Rogue- What comes out the gate?

Future Rogue- I'm surprised that you asked that question Rogue. You see what comes out the gate is 10,000 dragons.

Sting- Who didn't survive?

Rogue- You idiot he said nobody survives but him and Lucy. Did you not get that?

Sting- Awe.

Future Rogue- Enough I'm killing all of you.

Rogue- If you kill me then you will disappear to.

Future Rogue- Right but I'm coming after everybody.

Future Rogue then runs out and Natsu,Sting and Rogue head towards Lucy side.

Sting- Lucy are you going to be alright?

Lucy - Yes.

Rogue- Will stay by your side.

Lucy- You can't.

Natsu- Why?

Lucy- Because I might be hurt and in pain but I'll make it. You still need to beat him. I might have got in the way with his plans but you and the rest need to fight to save the world.

Natsu- We can't just leave you here.

Lucy - Yes you can now go.

Sting- We can't what if you get hurt.

Lucy- I SAID GO. I'LL BE OK.(deep voice)

Rogue- Fine but you better be.

Natsu, Sting and Rogue run towards were Future Rogue is.

Lucy- I'll be ok. I will defeat you and those possessed dragons Future Rogue.

*With Natsu, Sting,Rogue, and the Princess *

Natsu- Hey don't open the gate.

Princess- Why?

Rogue- Because if you open that gate , 10,000 dragons will come out.

Princess- Impossible.

Sting- Just don't open the door. Today is July 7 and the eclipse.

Rogue- What he is trying to say is the eclipse is out and this the day the dragons come to attack.

Princess- Open the Gate.

Soldiers - Yes Princess.

Soldiers - Yes Princess

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Daughter of Mavis and Zeref ,Lucy life in Fairy Tail (Book 1)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt