Wow. Who knew a officer in the mall would give me advice.

"I'm gonna let you go. Just, no more fights here, or anywhere please." I nod and stand up.

"Thank you." I say as he nods his head and we leave. Maybe I should text Dean. Will he listen to me? I hope.

We get home and Gabe's home. "Where were- oh god! What happened to you?" I laughed as I told him what happened. "Well, he deserved it." He smiled and I went to my room. On the way home mom and I talked stuff out. I'm not grounded, thank God, but I do have to do some chores.

I sit on my bed and stare at my phone. Should I text him? I click on his contact.

Hey. Can we talk? I really do want to explain everything. Please.

My thumb hovers over the send button. I hit it and hold my breath. I stand up and I start pacing. My phones on my bed and I check it. 5 minutes. He's never going to respond. Just when I was about to give up all hope, my phone lights up.

Sure. Can't today or tomorrow. What about Wednesday?

I sigh in relief.


I lay on my bed finally breathing. At least I can try to explain.

"Please. Please listen." I say crying, reaching for him but he pulls away.

"I'm sorry Cas. I just don't know if I can trust you. Goodbye." He says walking away. 

I cry and as I watch him walk away. The love of my life leaving me.

"Please." I whisper knowing he can't hear me.  There's laughing.

"Well Cassy, looks like I'm done here." Kay laughs.

"Why? Why do you hate me so much? Why can't you just leave me alone?" I yell as I stand up.

"You know why. Have a good life." He walks off.

What did I do?

I sit up breathing heavily. Thank god it was only a dream. What if that's what's going to happen? What If he doesn't listen or believe me? I lay back down but don't go back to sleep.

"Cas, hun, I hate leaving you but I have to go to work. Are you going to be okay?"

"Yeah mom. I'll be fine. I need to do homework anyway." She kisses my forehead. I go back to typing and doing my homework. I check the clock. 12:30. I go downstairs an snake some pizza rolls and continue with homework in the living room. At least I'm going back tomorrow.

"Hey big bro." Gabe says walking in the house. I check the time and it's 3:30. Wow I really got into my homework.

"Hey. How was school?" I ask as he sits on the other end of the couch from me.

"Weird without you there. Oh, and Sam broke up with me." I look up.

"He what? Why?" I ask hoping it's not because of Dean and I. 

"Well, i guess Jess broke up with Charlie and her and Sam slept together over the weekend, so he broke up with me to be with her." I sit there shocked and a bit pissed. Gabe goes on his phone and do want react much.

"I'm so sorry Gabe." I say as he shrugs.

"Yeah. I knew it wouldn't last. I just wish it ended under better circumstances." I not and he starts on his homework and I continue on mine.

Mom gets home around two hours later and starts on dinner.  She does do everything for us and she works her ass off to do so.

An hour later dinner's done and we start eating. "So how were your days?" She asked. 

"Mine was fine.  Finished all my homework." I say as she nods.

"And what about you Gabe?" He looks sadly at her.

"Normal. I have a inglish project, Sam and I broke up, and I passed my math test." He says confidently. Mom looks at him sadly.

"Alright. Boys suck. So, let's go our for dessert tonight." She smiles and we smile and nod. We finish dinner and a while later we head to a nearby dinner.

I get the hot fudge brownie that came with a scoop of ice cream. Gabe gets the chocolate lava cake, and mom orders a slice of chocolate cake.

Chocolate is our go to when were in a bad mood. Especially when mom's not doing so well. She's tried dating and some of the guys I liked, but they never wanted to stick around.

We start eating and we make small talk. We joke around and we finish. We go back home and call it a night.
I change into a pair of black sweat pants with no shirt. I lay down and fall asleep.

Back to school tomorrow. I'm going to talk to Dean. I hope he'll listen. I hope he believes me.

Sorry it's been a while. School's been stressing me out. I have this week off so I hope I will be updating everyday.

 Little Secret (Destiel AU)  [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now