Clay has Terrible Timing

Start from the beginning

"See you guys at lunch!" I called back, "Annie make sure they don't get bored and break anything. Boys, DON'T BREAK MY RED HEAD." And I rushed inside.


We had been rehearsal the group song, 'Shake it Out' for nearly four hours straight. Finally, Marty (a/n no idea if thats the american guys name) released us for lunch. I ran to the music room and headed to the piano to practice my indiviual song. (On xFactor (a/n no idea if this is accurate ive never been on the show sorry loves) we usually spend the day after the elimination night having a meeting with our mentor about song choices, then we get a couple days to learn the song our selves. Monday, we learn everything for the group song; Tuesday is for our individual songs, and Wednessday, we drill everything we learned on stage.) I was just getting into it when I felt someone behind me. I whipped around to see Stephanie looking down at me. Her icy blue eyes were narrow, and her nostrils were flared. She must've changed her hot pick extenions for red ones to match her ever lasting mood.

I tried being nice, saying, "Umm, Hi there...mind telling me why your breathing on of me?"

She rolled her eyes, snatched my sheet music, and snipped, "So, its true...little miss no talent is going to try an alt song." She snapped her eyes back towards me, "Alt. is  my turf sweetie. You think you're going to steal my spot in the finals by doing my music?"

I stood a breathto steady myself before saying, "Though I'd push my boundaries and do a twist on an Alt. song. Simon said okay, so I'm going to do it." I grabbed my music, shoved it in my bag and started to walk away.

I was almost to the door when she called out, "People only vote because they feel sorry for you. Not because you have talent. They just feel sorry for a sad little orphan," then she continued in a sickly soft voice, "Too bad they didn't know why your dad let you go." I froze and she laughed, "Daddy didn't want Daddy's little angel, did he?" How did she know that? My eyes stung with tears and I stormed out of the room before I started crying.

I reached the outside, still trying to calm my nerves when a Nerf dart hit right in the middle of my forehead. Without hesitating, I crumpled to the ground, faking death. I saw through my just closed eyes that Niall came to check and see if I was really gone. When I kept the act up he cheered that he got me and his teammates, Zayn and Annie came out from hiding. They all had their weapons lowered, so I grabbed Niall's arm and pulled myself up while pushing him down. I snatched the gun and pointed it at his head and yelled.

"No one moves unless I say," I said, eyeing Zayn and Annie, "Or the Irish gets a nerf dart to the head."

Liam came running to my aid, gun up at the ready. Harry and Louis popped up from the other side, aiming their guns as well.

"Weapons down," Liam comanded Zayn and Annie as Harry and Louis came towards them. After Niall's team dropped their weapons, Harry and Louis turned around to tell me thanks. They each got a nerf dart to the chest and dropped to the ground. I turned on Liam but he already had his gun up and aimed at me. We started walking in a circle, eyeing each other.

"Learned not to trust me? I see why they call you Daddy Direction."

"What can I say? Never trust a pretty face."

I batted my eyelashed at him and said, "Aww you think I'm pretty."

"It was the heads up to your mischeviousness. That, and the fact you broke the rules." He smirked.

"What can I say?" I copied him, "Never trust a pretty face."

"Wise man whoever told you that."

"I'm just clever like that. I even learned to play this game in a matter of seconds."

" you fancy putting these guns down and joining my team for the next round." I smiled and agreed, making his face light up. I dropped my gun, took a step closer, and felt a dart strike me in the stomch.

"Liam!!!!" I gasped, holding the imaginary injury and falling to my knees.

"I told you, never trust a pretty face." He leaned over me as I "died." And we all busted up laughing.


"So we're did you find those guns anyway?" I asked as I walked with the boys and Annie after my choreo rehearsal for the group number. I reached over to take a bite of Annie's sandwhich but she pulled it out of my reach and hissed at me.Great. Niall's rubbing off on her.

"Annie bought them for us!" Niall cheered throwing his arm around her, making her blush.

"You WHAT??" I exclaimed, "You never bought me a nerf gun!"

"Well you told me to keep them entertained, so I did," Annie explained, "Besides we only have a couple more days with them, so I figured, ehh why not?" Then it hit us. They boys were leaving on Thursday, giving us only three more days before we went our separate ways. The group fell silent.

I struggled to break the silence, and said as normally as possible, "What did Simon say about your toys boys?"

"Uncle Simon!!!" Zayn said, perking up.

"That's who we were going to go talk to!"

"What about?" Annie and I said in unison.

"Ermm, nothing...We'll tell you later," Harry said, starting to walk towards Simon's office. Louis and Niall were already running ahead.

"Let's go Hazza!" Liam called to Harry, after Zayn passed them both.

"Do you want us to wait?!" Annie called to them as her and I reached the car.

"No! We'll meet you back at the Fort!" Harry yelled back.

Annie and I climbed into the car. Surprisingly, the nerf game left her too tired to drive, so I took the keys. She blasted the radio and 'Almost Lover' by a Fine Frenzy came on and we sang our hearts out. As we neared the studio gates my phone beeped. Annie checked it and gasped. Worried at her extreme change in attitude I looked over and read.

From: Clay

I see you. Sadly. But, / think its time we had a talk. Alone.

The car was halfway through the studio gates when I looked up. At the end of the road there was four boys dressed in dark jeans and hoodies. Clay was less than 50 yards away from me.

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