Chapter 18

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My eyes fluttered open, expecting to be hit by bright light. There was a pounding in my head, and I shut my eyes, trying to reminisce the events the events from the night before. However I was strongly taken aback by the fact that the room I was in was not one I knew of, and it was not bright, nor was it clean or furnished. It was a dusty, stuffy, dark room with no window and just a single table in the far corner.

I looked around, my eyes widening in surprise. As I tried to recall, my hands starting to shake. It was a trait I had gotten from my mother. Whenever I was frightened or didn't know what was going on, my body would begin to quiver. I tried to find out where I was, but the pounding in my head was stopping me from doing so.  Only then did I realize my legs were bound to a wall. 

Where am I? 

What is going on?

A wave of nausea hit me making me hunch over and throw up the contents of my stomach.

I groaned and leaned my head against the wall, quivering, frightened and in an unknown room.

I remembered nothing, and I was trying so hard to not break down.

And then the door to the attic opened.


I woke up the following  morning with a massive slam in my skull. I groaned, leaning my head against . . .the floor?

I stood up slowly ignoring the pain in my head. The narrow, dirty place I had found myself was none other than the familiar back alley of  'RED', the club we were in last night. However, one question was running through my head.

What the hell went on last night? 

I looked around, but a pain in my neck stopped me, slowly I lifted my hand to touch the area, but winced and retracted my hand. The familiar feeling was also felt around my eye. 

A bruise.

I stood straight, clutching my side because the feeling of the bruise was felt over there as well from where, I had no clue.

I walked out of the alley and looked around to see if I could spot my car anywhere. I thought I was home after the club. My car was no where in sight. 

I groaned again and leaned against the wall.

I searched for my phone in my back pocket, luckily it was still in there.

I typed in my password and scrolled threw my contacts. I found Harry's and dialed quickly, but it went straight to voice mail.

I tried Louis and Niall as well but straight to voice mail once more. I groaned frustrated out of my mind that I was running out of options and looked for Liam's. But he became my salvation.

"Zayn?" he asked frantically.

"Liam, where are you?"

Wicked Games (Z.M AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang