Making Moves!!

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FIRST OFF :) Thanks for the 12 read son my other chapter so let me see can i get 20 on this one for the next chapter :)  thanks guys


“Hey Jacob!” she said leaning on the door way. “H-hi I um Daniel he uh he asked if you c-can lower the music?” “DANNY BOY I GOTCHU!” she yelled “Well nice to see you but I’m just gonna go and study.” “Okay bye.” I walked down the hall to see a smirk written all over Daniel’s face.“she’s your sister?” “yeah twins for life.” he said flipping channels on the television. “Oh…” I kept my eyes on that hallway hoping she’ll come out “aye let me teach you some slang and a little Rap music I got some good music.” “haha okay.” “hey she lowered it right?” “yeah she said she’s gonna study.” “Study?…that’s a first.”

Great I scared her off. You heard daniel she don’t study she obviously didn’t wanna see my face. I sighed quietly and watches D scroll some music. I guess I got myself a friend and a crush.

Melody pov

Of course I wasnt studying but lord Jacob… He is sooooo cute. I bet I looked like an idiot to him. In shorts a tank and hair in a messy bun while I’m singing so loud. Turn off Mel turn off. I had to think. If I like this boy I might have to try and flirt I guess but gosh what I did there was such a mess. 


Jacob POV 

I sat on my king bed listening to Daniels iPod it was really cool I like this song called Crew Love. This guy Drake I must meet him. I want my parents to plan a session with him. I ran down the hall to my dad “padre padre I -” I saw him packing “dad?” he looked up at me and smiled “oh hello son.” he ruffled my curls. “where you going?” I asked nervous. “Well son-” “me and your father are going to Puerto Rico to fix this problem with his job and to manage some work business.” my heart turned. “f-for how long?” I asked while shaking a bit. I know when my parents leave it’s usually for a while and I hate that. “Not long.” I smiled relieved. “Just a few months.” “Months ? Mom dad I-” I said upset. “three months Jacob just three.” she rubbed my back. " stay strong cause fear shows you manless." my dad said rolling his suitcases. I took in a breath. “okay.” I was dying inside slowly. “that’s my boy we’ll be back before your birthday son alright.” my dad said getting keys and cards. I smiled and went to room and closed the door. As I sat on my bed I though long an hard. “1….2….3….4 I heard the car door slam .5……6……7………8..9-” I heard the engine and the roar of the wheels as the rubber rubbed against pavement. “10.” I brokedown in to tears into my pillow. I hate how they leave me home alone fending myself. Who cares if I have butlers and maids I want my mom and dad to understand me. After 20 mins my eyes red and puffy my phone rang “hello…” “hey its Daniel so like my mom asked for my iPod and she got really pissed so I’m gonna come get-” “NO!” I yelled on the phone “I mean it’s late I don’t want you walking out alone bro.” “iight so I guess bring it to school.” “I will night man.” “night” I laid only bed with a blazing headache eyes puffy cheeks red and sniffling. “Sir Perez.” “yeah.” “Your parents called for you to go to sleep.” “Are they o the phone?” I asked jittery “No they hung up.” I looked down a little upset. “But I’m sure they love you very much.” he smiled assuring me it’s okay. “Thanks.” I smiled back. I took a deep breath and put my covers over my head. 

Melody pov

I woke up feeling great. I wanted to really grab Jacobs attention. I looked through my closet. Sigh the challenges of being low class. I looked frantically. “hey Mel I-” damn it Daniel “What d!!!!” I yelled at him he looked hurt and pissed. "The **** you yelling at me for damn and why you taking so long mom made breakfast. “okay leave.” I sighed on frustration. He was about to leave but I got up and hugged him. “sorry bro.” “it’s okay” he left. I felt bad:\ I finally found it a nice pair of jeans and a pink off the shoulder shirt that said hugs and kisses. “perfect..” I took a while in the bathroom as I washed myself. The water hitting my pores. I used moms good body wash. I washed my hair and everything. “Mel.” I heard daniel yell from the other side of the bathroom door. “yeah.” “I really have to use the bathroom.” “I’m not done” I said wrapping a towel around me. “Mel please I gotta pee.” I giggled at how he said it like a little kid. “I’ll be out soon.” I said blow drying my hair. “You washed your hair? **** Mel it’s gonna be a long time.” “BOY WATCH YO MOUTH.” I heard my mom yell from a distance. “Mel please.” I heard the clanking of his keys knowing he’s probably jumping up and down Tryna hold it in. I started laughing really hard. “Mel!!!!!! jesus help me.” “STOP CALLIN JESUS NAME IN VEIN BOY.” I heard my mom yell. As I looked in the mirror my hair went frizzy. I loved it. “I’m done.” I opened the door Daniel immediately shoved me out the way. “thank god.” he slammed the door. I made my way downstairs to eat breakfast. 

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