Rich Boy Meets The Other Side

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It was Monday morning I did my usual wake up early and pamper myself in a nice amber romance bubble bath. I sunk myself in the soapy mess and allowed the water 

to be absorbed by my pores as I felt all the first rinse away. I dried off and 

straightened my hair as I sweeper my bang. I felt good today maybe web lucky. I slipped on my red crop top and black skinny jeans. As I checked my self in the mirror putting a little eyeliner I was almost ready for my first day back to school. “Flawless haha.” I made a kissey face at the mirror and ran downstairs. 

“morning honey.” my mom said flipping the eggs. I “MORNING, was up mom ?” “your brother left already” she said eating . “umm mom?” she looked up I gave her a warm smile hoping she would smile back. Shegot up and went in the living room. I sighed heavily. Nothing 

hasn’t been the same since dad left it was only two weeks ago that he felt 

neglected by the family and decided to just go. mom has been upset since and for me seeing people upset is one of the things I hate. A droopy and depressed 


I hope I can get my mom back. I quickly ate and flipped my hair 

back as I head out of the house. I walked to school happily with my thoughts on mom :/ I was interrupted by a bell seems like I reached school 

I ran to class damn it late. As i entered the teacher wasn’t there but kids were talking a bit I’m sorta knew here I’ve only been here for summer school classes. “melody!!” the girl yelled out to me I watched her I mean how does she know my name. “Tamia remember ?” oh yeah Tamia we became friends in summer school sweet girl. I hope we can get closer this year. “Hey Tamia I remember now what’s up?” I sat next to her as she slammed her pen on the desk. " theres a new kid he hasn’t been to summer school, hasn’t been to public school and is randomly coming here ad didn’t have to take a test this girl thinks she’s so nice. " haha I love her already “what if it’s a boy?” I asked her tilting my head. “idk but it’s still unfair.” we continued our conversation interrupted by a teacher followed by…

Jacobs pov

I woke up bright and early. Another day another dollar. My uncle told me. And well when your dad is famous and rich then everyday is like getting richer and richer. I have stacks of money on my book shelf, loads of jewelry on my dresser and I live the good life. I was ready to be home schooled as usual. I put on a green polo shirt and head out my room through our giant mansion to the kitchen “Father…..” no reply. not home again. “Mother…” “Jacob darling come to the living room.” I went to see her on couch with my tutor. "Jacob me and Mrs.Aubrey have something to say. " I tilted my head confused “yes mother.” she patted the seat next to her I sat down with my hands in my lap “well we thought you should go to public school.” what public school ??? No I’m too proper for those idiots they probably are disgusting immature and everything not near my standards “WHAT NO MOTHER I WON’T A SCHOOL THAT DOESN’T MEET MY STANDARDS NO NO NO.” I stood up mad. “Listen you have to explore the world and help others and further more meet NEW people if you want to graduate at all. You don’t get credits for being rich Jacob.” my mom said sternly what is she saying agreeing with this lady. She probably went to public school too. Failure in life no where near my class. “MOM NO!.” “too late Jacob, starts Today and your going. Your a little late but it’s alright your going.” she left ne there standing shocked, mad mostly MAD. “I’m going to pack your stuff.” Ms Aubrey said as she left me there too. Fluffing my  hair Back I sat down again. I knew this wasn’t going to be good. 

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