Life and Death

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Chapter one

I awoke to the bell being rung by the sky prince I rubbes my eyes as I stretched out and released my muscles my wings unfolded ffom behind me as I stood to stretch 

I looked around my dark room lit by candles and I slept yup on hay. Im only a soul deliverer I am basically relevant here in the skys but I hate what I do. Ha I guess your wondering what I do who I am well my name Chresanto and my jobs pretty simple but hurts me. I walked out to the princes caverns and at the bottom I kneeled down "Sir who do you wish for me to set free today?" I asked cautious of my words for the princes are simply difficult to get an understanding of and to get points through I waited patiently for the muttering and murmuring to pause and then "Chresanto I have a task for you child..a girl by the name of Jasmine is to dietoday at 8pm directions are here she lives in the state of Jersey be ready and bring her soul back to put it to rest in heaven." He said throwing a scroll at my knees I looked at it and saw the picture of the girl she was so beautiful dimple in her right cheek a genuine smile and she had big brown eyes with the perfect light brown straight hair to frame her face I looked at it with no emotion and nodded I took flight with quick looks and glances at the scroll for her face more of admiration then my job I realized I was lost and I turnt to see her she ran down the alley way I have stumbled upon and she seemed to be heaving and gasping for air I flew and waited by a window to see her die so I can claim her soul but then I saw who she was running away from a vicious man he had fangs and claws and his hair slicked back he wore all black his face white like snow he pushed her against a wall and licked up her neck as she squirmed and kicked I held my fists by my sides as I waited patiently...... more like hyper active I was bouncing off the walls I watched as he tore her shirt up "I like to play with my food" he said gropping her rear she smacked him and he growled he clawed her chest and it made three red marks across the top of her right breast I felt my anger take over "please sir please I I have friends waiting for me to come home m-my mom dad and-" he covered her mouth and his claw felt up her chin "your so pretty baby like tender" he felt her thigh  and she kicked him in his stomach and ran "Im not going to let your bitch ass ruin me " she said running he trampled her and she fell to the floor as he was about to bite her I snapped I flew down from that window fast picked him up and slammed his body against a wall "nigga get the- huh so you an angel bitch ive seen yall niggas tryna run the place" he said spitting on me I placed my hand around his neck and tightened my grip "I don't think I do but you your gonna burn in hell." I said through clenched teeth his pale face and slick like black hair in the way of his sight . "I don't think you know who I am." "I dont need to angel wings cause in a matter of time that girls body is going to collapse and shes going to die whether you can help or not." My eyes grew dull black and my anger took over me as I snatched up all his hair and clenched it in my grip I slammed his head against the brick wall repeatedly as I heard him scream I slammed the side of his face into the side of the wall and with one slam the whole right side of his jaw broke. He coughed blood and strains of his hair fell out as his ear bleed and was torn by the gash put into it from the rough wall I scraped his head on the side of the wall leaving marks to scratch down it and then punched him in the face breaking the other side of his jaw. I finally took his hair and stretched his body out on a dumpster as his neck rested on the edge and his weak body I pulled his hair as hard as I could and heard the crack of his neck as a piece of bone pierced through his skin and ripped his flesh viciously and the veins that remained leaked blood I dropped the hair in my hand and turned to see a weak girl her chest bled and her eyes closed slowly I went to her and fell to my knees and brushed her hair out her face shes not dead but then a strong force took me by my wings as I spun in the air soarimg higher and higher and something took hold of my wings I closed my eyes due to the pressure of the wind and as I opened them I found myself infront of the princes "CHRESANTO WHAT HAVE YOU DONE." i tried to move but my wings were held by a strong invisible hold I was dangling in front the princes she was suffering and I couldn't watch it anymore." i hanged my head "have you no shame messing with the kings orders.... Everyone has there shall be ripped of your wings and power..."  I snapped my head up "sir please no will never happen again please." "three strikes chresanto three you have been warned twice and now....I'm sorry" he snapped his fingers I frantically looked everywhere and I was blown in to the air and I realize fire was set to me wings I spinner airborne and my feathers were withering and turning Black burning. It reached my back and it tore up my flesh cutting down two lines where my wings were. The blood leaked and splattered on my chest and black as I flipped in air no one to hear my screams and my yells I cried as my voice cracked.  I then froze two inches above ground and fell. Passing out in my own blood my tears my flesh my burnt dead skin and as I laid there. "runaway" a voice whispered to me... Then it went black 

 Jasmine pov

I just left my house afraid of what will happen. I set out to Tony's house. My boyfriend. He was such a charm. I know he has "those feelings." but I'm not ready for any sexual activity. My mom dead dad dead closest grandparents dead and who am I left with my sweet little sister Kami. She's adorable and 8 year old. She has one deep dimple high cheekbones and two pigtails. Her big blue eyes stared at me as I left. I was coming back in the morning. Then My big sister. She's 26. Long jet black hair and a sweet attitude. Always starting fights but she's a motherly sister and has that boyfriend Fabo. French nigga. I walked to the place he texted me "hello?" it was a dark alley ? What is he up too... I heard swift flapping I looked up breezes past by casually. I felt watched. Then I saw Tony. "baby why are we here I thought we would go somewhere romantic?" "we are babe he said coming close kissing my cheek." then he licked his lips." except I think you should run ." "what?" his fangs popped up I watched in amazement but then realized he was after me after terror in running and screaming and tears ad he gripped my ass and felt me I hot tears streamed down my cheeks and I felt myself growing weak losing my balance. 


Rayan Pov 

Second pack of weed today sold and done. I walked out the corner. This is the bad side of town. I walked to the last place I needed to check on my bestee. She's here visiting her bf I don't like him. I buzz no answer the door opens and this guy bumps into me. "Yo watch it nigga the fuck you doing pushing people?" he got pale "I-i I j-just m-m sorry I" "Yo Any problems here?" a tall dude asked me "Tell Yo boy watch himself..." the guy sucked his teeth "whatever let's go Jacob I think your rides outside." "pussy ass.." I said walking up stairs. I knocked no answer. "Jazzy open up." the fuck I bang the door open "Jazzy....Jazzy ." o hell no i swear if this guy 

I ran outside "JASMINE .." I ran up and  down blocks running around and yelling Jasmines name I got worried she's my little Sis like my lil Sis I can't lose her. I ran down an alley and my heart stopped I ran to her bite mark on her neck. "Jazzy please please no." I don't wanna cry it shows I'm weak. I sat near her body and put her head in my lap ...."my sister not so soon..."

Jasmine pov

I opened my eyes as I felt warm arms around me. I looked to see Rayan sleeping. We were on the ground. "Rayan..." his eyes popped up as they had bags. "jazzy thank god." he said hugging me "ow." I looked down at my arms a big cut across my wrist... "it's okay I'll help you Jaz." he said taking my other hand and taking me to his car. "Jasmine you really scared me.." he continued I didn't pay attention i felt weird different ... I was feeling power and my body was somewhat weak. As I shakes in my sit. Remembering that night. Tears streaming .

Rayan pic

"and jazzy you gotta tell me when you just gonna leave like that I mean I'm not nosey but damn tell a brothe- jazzy." I saw tears stream down. "Jazzy you okay ." I stop the car and she fell into my arms crying "Tony was a vampire ray a vamp or some type of beast he he bit at my neck and tried to maul me he felt me up flirted and like a fool I fall for it like like an idiot I always fall for it." she cries out. I rub her back. "shhh it's okay Jaz....and what you mean vampire?" "he had fangs they popped out like fangs." she said choking on words I rubbed her back more "shhh..." we sat in silence for a while. "wait so will you turn....are you ..." "I don't know." I wiped tears from her face. "I'll call a doctor." "NO!"she said grabbing my phone. "If we tell them they'll treat me like some science experiment.....I know someone."

She sat there and dialed the number carefully. "Hello.......yes.......I want to be but ....okay" she looked at me with hopeful eyes "Furning Lane 112." I smiled a bit and continued driving..

What if she's a vampire...what do I do... Either way she is always my  sister and bestfriend....


 On your right is Jasmine :)

Hit Me Up if you want to be Jazzy :)

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