Shy Sweet and A$$ WIPE?

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I sat in class fixing my shirt and checking my hair I looked at my book… Over the summer we were suppose to read catcher in the rye… Holdens like me in a way in the book… He doesn’t get along with people.. I’m kinda like that buy it’s just I don’t know how to make friends. I sat in class reading the last chapter. “hey.” I looked up and got shoved out my seat. “the **** you doing in my seat?” he said I got up and dusted myself off. See this is what I go through. Yeah it’s hard to make friends but I’m trying. I sighed and sat in the back. I opened my math book. I never returned it last year but hey I found it so why not. I opened it and looked at the back. I found a paper…hey remember this…I wrote a love poem to “I’m back.” my eyes widened as my stomach fluttered " Kamile the schools moat popular girl. Everyone wants to be her, her friend, her boyfriend hell even girls but hey that’s life. I watched her enter as I started to flutter in my stomach. “guys I’m not moving anymore my dad got re assigned so I guess I’m back.” she soled and those fabulous dimples came out I sighed dreamily. I watched as they told her “welcome back.” “we missed you.” and so on and then it happened “hey what’s this.” he took it my paper. Yeah he doesn’t deserve to be known by a name “no!” I said quickly I got up but he slammed me back into my seat “oooooo Kamile look who likes you.” Kamile turned I’m her seat her hair flipped as she did so I sat there in awe but on the outside I was terrified and smiled shyly “who?” she said tilting her head. “listen to this.. ‘lights shut off and that one candle is brighter then the sun I wish I can make you the one I’ve been feeling a certain way for a while and I wish it could be easy to fall for a girl but it’s a harder path then I desired for…’ haha corny *** *****.” 

I looked at Kamile and the paper and back at her and my face burned red and my stomach felt weird. She giggled a bit then I knew she didn’t like me back. My eyes stung with tears. I got up and ran to the bathroom….. I knew I was wrong to think I even had a chance… I sat on the floor and laid my head on the wall…why can’t I just be normal and make friends everyone hates me …

Kamile PoV

I watched as Tequan crumpled up the letter and throw it out I jumped after it and took it… “Tequan what the hell.” I said sitting down mad “he so corny **** you need a man Kamile like me” he said leaning over his desk. “no I’m good.” I said reading over the letter I blushed at it at his words too sweet… I hope he’s okay :/ I folded up and put it in my pocket. I hope I can fix this.

It was lunch and no sign of that boy I sat in anticipation but no results "hey kam kam you iight " Minnie asked yeah she’s my bff and were close been close a while. “yeah just not hungry.” I said pushing my food away “haha tequan so digs you so you like him?” she asked me picking at her salad “no he’s not my type.” I said smirking “haha who is then that love letter boy haha he’s so pathetic..” she laughed “yeah pathetic.” I said glancing at the doors. 

Let me tell you bout me

My name is Kamile Henry well I’m the schools most popular girl I ignore all drama and my name still seems to be in it so eh I have one dad that I love with all my heart and he’s a military man but he works as a cop. My mom is well somewhere she ditched us after my birth so I’m only grateful for having a dad… Im single and looking but dad has to check all of my bf’s before so it’s tricky PLUS I’m the cops daughter so everyone wants to date me but have no chance haha. I can say were Middle class and well im a pretty giving person. Think of me as the black blasian Santa haha and I’m easy to forgive but don’t take advantage of me … :)

When Boy Meets Girl ?Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ