All the other kids ~

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"Yama NO!" I lunge at him, trying to stop him from writing down L's name. Suddenly the door swings open, Mr Yagami leading the way with the others following. I look from them to Yama and see he is fading through the wall. I rush out of the room, pushing past everyone but when I get to the other side of the wall Yama's not there. He's left. Shit.

"What the hell is going on!?" Light asks rushing to me. I spin around and look in all the corners of the room, not sure what to do with myself. Light grabs hold of my shoulders making me stop to look at him.

"You're all in danger," I say in panic. He tries to get an explanation from me but L's life is in danger right now. I look into Light's eyes with sheer panic. His life is in danger too. I haven't felt a feeling like this in a long time. Fear. I'm scared. 

I push him way from me and look at everyone who is staring at me with a mix of emotions but mainly confusion. I slowly back my self up and look to each person but their words are blurred. Each are trying to talk to me and they are getting angrier and angrier as I cease to reply.

It gets too much and I run for the door with a muffled noise behind me of all the men trying to get through to me. As I hold the door open ready to escape, someone grabs my arm roughly and turns me to face them. Mr Yagami. He says words that don't make it to my ears but I catch one sentence loud and clear.

"You're not going anywhere, tell us what's happening. You've done something haven't you?!" For a moment I feel small, like a scared kid being told off by a parent but the feeling of being overpowered is too much and I go into self-defence mode. I punch him square in the jaw making him let go of my arm he had been holding onto tightly. He stumbles back gasping, holding onto his face. I don't stay for a reaction and run out the door.

Where would Yama go? Is he hiding or is he waiting some where I'm supposed to assume he's at? Did he go back to the Shinigami realm? I doubt it's the latter. 

I first check my house and it's empty. I rush around places I've taken him, now aware he's trying to send my on a wild goose chase to mess with me. He's a lot like me in different ways. I even go to where my parents are buried but there is no sign of him. Then it hits me. I turn on my heal and start to walk to where we met.

I don't even think about walking, I know each and every turn on how to get there. My feet carry me to the building I have visited multiple times since I met Yama there. 

The school.

It's closed now. The building was supposed to be burned/knocked down as no one wanted to use it after it's 'tragedy'. They thought destroying it would some how rid of what happened there and put the people who died to peace. I don't know why it didn't end up getting demolished but here it stands.

I did it.

I killed them.

I didn't even own a Death Note at the time. I went in with a hand gun strapped to each leg, a shot gun and a knife. I dressed head to toe in black with a mask on and hood up. I made sure to wear gloves, shoes that aren't my size and mans deodorant so there was nothing that would link to me in case I actually manage to get away from the building afterwards. I went to school late, pulled the fire alarm and as the students filled out of the classrooms I gunned them all down. A lot of them ran but I went after them. They were foolish to run and stupid for hiding, thinking they could survive. With a good aim and knowledge of where anyone could hide, I got all of them. Of course, there where a few who made it out but I dealt with them later. It was when I came out the front exit, I was greeted with the swat pointing guns at me. I just stood there and looked at them, ready to get shot. Suddenly, they all just dropped to the ground gripping their chests. I had no idea what was going on when suddenly I could see this large dark figure looking at me. I shot at it but it walked towards me laughing. 

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now