I see him too

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I observe everyone as they work. It soon becomes clear that L talks to Light as if he's asking him questions for the case but L's real focus is on him. All the while, everyone else is off in the wrong direction. I imagine Mr Yagami is in denial that Light is a suspect in the case. He's a proud father and accepting something like that would be impossible.

I steal Light away from everyone, bringing him into the other room. I close the door and face him. I don't even get to open my mouth to speak before I'm pushed against the wall and his lips are against my neck. I normally like to be in control of situations but I don't fight him off.

"I have thought about you non-stop," He tells me. I tilt my head up, giving him more skin to work with. I put my hand on his neck with my fingers touching the bottom of his hair. What the hell brought this over him? I brought him here to talk. After feeling like what must have been a hell of a hickey I move away and hold him back. 

"Sweety slow down." I laugh.

He catches his breath. "But I thought..." He says confused. I smile at him and bring my thumb across his cheekbone. 

"We can't right now, have you any idea who is in the other room? Right now I have to ask you questions." He takes in a long breath, collecting himself before nodding reluctantly. We both take a seat in the single sofas. "Before we get started, first I want to say I'm shocked you kissed me like that with Ryuk in the room." His eyes widen. He quickly looks between me and Ryuk confused. Ryuk laughs but even he seems slightly confused. 

"How can you... but you never touched..." I chuckle as his puzzled face.

"Your Death Note? No I never touched it nor have I seen yours but Yama let me see other people's Shinigamis at will. Also, which I love, he makes no one else be able to see my name. With or without Shinigami eyes. I won't lie and say I understand how any of it works but I do know it works in my favour." I say just putting everything out there.

Light shakes his head confused. "Yama?" He questions who the name belongs to. I roll my eyes likes it's obvious. 

"My Shinigami," I say bluntly. He seems lost, perhaps doesn't know what to say or he has a lot to say and doesn't know where to start. 

"You - you have a Death Note?" Even after I said all that, he was hesitant to bring it up.

"Clever boy."

"Do you have Shinigami eyes?" He asks.


 He goes to ask something else but pauses, realising something. "So you can't see my life span?" I shake my head, with a devilish smile, he's now realising it. "So you knew I was Kira from the second you saw me." He says it slowly, he seems upset by this. 

"From the second you came through the door," I say without hesitation. "I needed you to tell me, so I knew I could trust you to be honest with me but I also needed to know you were a good liar. You did very well." By saying that he seems more pleased rather than angry. 

"So you're like a second Kira?" He says and for the first time I can't hold back my anger, I frown but close my eyes and turn my face the other way to compose myself. I am second to no one.

"There is no Kira number one, no second Kira. Only us. If you are able to cooperate then WE are Kira." I explain. He considers my idea. 

"I would love to work with you but I have more questions." Light says, still processing it all. I put my finger up to stop him. 

"We have to do this slowly. Each day we add to this until we have the task force in our hands ready to crush them. Once they're out of our way then there is nothing stopping us. But such things take time. Nothing can be rushed. If we suddenly seem close and have big plans in our head all the time then we will get distracted." I explain sat in his lap again, patting his shirt's creases. "We need to seem taken in by the case but have our own things on the sidelines. Until then, not a word. What we talk about is between us. If they think it's strange then I will talk us out of it. I can't be having our stories mix and not make sense." He seems like he's noticing I'm taking a lot of charge here. "Use your skills to deter them from even looking at us. Get some fake leads up and going. I'll back you up." This seems to ease him from trying to get more control. He needs to feel like he has an important role or lead in this. 

I stand up from his lap and pull him up with him, bringing our bodies close - standing like we are about to dance. "Bit by bit, you will get this crime-free world," I say assuming that's what he's aiming for. As he doesn't argue I see I am right. Well, that isn't exactly what I want but I can shape it into something I prefer. I just want control I suppose, I want to see those I hate die and those who don't deserve to walk among us go with them. It fits well with Light's idea until it gets passed that. He's going to want this new, pure world. But I'm ready for chaos. Maybe at first his idea would be nice to see but I want to see everyone just being themselves. Pure open. People showing who they really want to be. Anger roams free. People's souls naked to earth. Everyone is wearing masks but once they see everyone is just as fake, people can rid of their fake identities. Light, however, he could not control such a place. We may not work until the end. But for now, I need him. His drive is charming. He wants something and he doesn't just expect it to happen for him, he's out and getting it done. I can admire that.

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now