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"Because I know your little secret..." I whisper into his ear, delicately brushing my lips against his skin. He's very tense and with my body pressed against his, I can feel his heart racing. I step back casually, sitting back in his seat. He stays exactly where he was like I'd glued him there. "You wanna tell me what that secret is Light? You know I'm not stupid and to my luck, neither are you." I put my elbow on my knee and lean my chin on my hand with a small smirk on my lips. He shakes his head like a little kid refusing to apologise. I pout, "Aww please don't disappoint me, Yagami. I was super looking forward to meeting you and I need you to cooperate. Otherwise, this won't work out. We're a team... partners." There is a sparkle in his eyes, possibly hope but there is also an edge... fear. He's scared, perhaps of me or perhaps of the truth he wants to tell me but he knows there is a cost if I'm playing him. "You want to tell me, that's clear enough but I have to be fair. What can I do to make you comfortable with me and trust that I have nothing but good intentions?" I stand and walk over to him and neaten his collar. 

"Uh - um..." I can't help but smile. I glide my finger down his jawline. I put my finger under his chin and my thumb on top, holding chin making him face me. 

"Anything, doll." I say fluttering my eyelashes. 

I hear Ryuk chuckle."She's quite the gal, Light. You're strong, at this point I would have told her everything." 

His eyes finally hold contact with mine. "Okay, how about you tell me what you think this secret of mine is?" He says confidently, sure of himself. Ryuk's comment must have knocked some sense into him. Damnit. I roll my eyes playfully. 

"That would defeat the point of you being strong and telling me yourself." I already know it's him but this is just so fun. I could kill him right here and now but why not make a little game out of it? 

"I assume you think this secret is that I'm Kira?" He says pretty sure of himself. 

"Well, it's clear Kira comes to mind when you think of secrets. Is that a hint Light?" I say. He clenches his jaw.

"What good would it do you to know the identity of Kira?" Light asks. I step back and look at him in full view. 

"I like Kira," I say looking at him. "He can kill someone, putting it on his own conscience for the better of everyone else, whilst the law and news speak badly of him making him out to be a bad person. Yet he pushes on through and does what's right." I'm just complimenting him now and it feels demeaning. "Everyone would say that killing is wrong, no matter who it is, no matter what reason. But secretly, they wish they had the guts to be Kira, killing those who deserve it." I look back at Light and his eyes are lit up, excited. Wow, he loves compliments. "But hey, if you think that maybe his identity belongs to another then fine. I shouldn't shove my opinions on you. Feel free to tell the task force everything I said." I turn on my heel and head for the door. As if testing me, he lets me reach the door and doesn't speak until I'm turning the handle. Idiot, like I'd have actually left the room. 

"Wait!" He calls quickly. I smile and turn back to him. 

"Have you something to say Yagami?" I ask, cocking my head to the side. He walks over to me and pins me to the wall with a newly found confidence. He brings his lips to my ear and breathes the words.

"I am Kira." My eyes widen and a devilish smile grows on my lips sitting happily with my inspiring words. I snake my hand around the back of his neck, then glide it up through his hair softly applying pressure making his face lean into my neck, brushing his lips against my skin. 

"Well Kira, we have some talking to do." I slowly push him back but hold onto his shirt. "But not yet." I slide out of his grip and quickly get out of the room joining the task force who are looking through assorted papers. No one acknowledges my presence other than L. Light quickly follows and tugs at my arm. 

"What are you doing?" He asks panicked in a hushed voice. 

I smile casually. "Yagami, you and I were in that room for quite a while. We don't need people being suspicious. I asked you questions and now we're done." I tell him. He's nervous but trying to play it cool. He nods and walks over to his father glancing back at me as I walk over to L. "It was an interesting talk." I say to him. L looks at me and observes me. I raise an eyebrow, "Yes?" I say laughing slightly. 

"Intriguing." He notes, "When I look at people they normally shuffle, nervously under my gaze but you seem to be very sure of your self." 

I nod. "As I should be but you should really stop staring at people as people often confide in those they are comfortable around, not scared of." He nods taking a mental note.

"Are you scared of me?" He asks and a smile sneaks onto my lips. He's sat in his crouched position on a chair. I bend down and touch a strand of his hair, putting it behind his ear. 

"Nope, you'll have to try harder." He looks slightly shy, his pale skin blushes. Before walking away I stroke my thumb across his cheek. "Should I come back tomorrow?" I ask and he quickly nods. I stand up straight and walk to the door, "Bye everyone." I call and everyone waves me off. Before closing the door I wink at Light. Today was truly successful.  

Light x Reader x L - Death NoteWhere stories live. Discover now