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This time I decide to stay back as the others go home to their family. Frequently the task force stay over in the hotel and are kept up all night because of work but after the two deaths and Mogi getting hurt, everyone just wants to be around family. Light leaves with Mr Yagami after everyone else makes their way home, leaving just L and I. I sit on the sofa looking at him. He doesn't even make eye contact with me. 

"Remember when you said you would help me and give up on the case?" I say with a smirk. "Yeah that was funny." I relax into the sofa chuckling. L still doesn't say a word to me. "You could just ban me from coming here. You could even hire someone to kill me." I say suggesting ideas of how to get rid of me. He was smart not to try but I'm surprised he hadn't even tried to do something about me. 

"You want me to kill you?" He says, surprising me. I smile, glad he's finally decided to speak. 

"Well no, I don't exactly want to die but it's probably in your best interest to kill me. One by one your task is shrinking." He suddenly turns to me. 

"My best interest? You think you know what's in my best interest after killing two people?" He's holding a low tone like normal but he says it harshly. 

"Well I know what you want but I'm not doing anything to help you with it. I only work to serve myself." I say calmly. 

"You know what I want?" He says but it's not a question, he's angered that I think I know something about him. I shrug.

"Well you want me to go to jail, death sentence probably. Why else would you have slept with me to get me to spill information about Kira and myself?" As soon as I finish what I'm saying, I'm suddenly being pinned down on the sofa. He's holding my wrists by my head with his knees either side of my body, straddling my waist. My back is pressed flat on the cushions, I have no way of getting free but I don't think I even want to escape. 

"You think I slept with you because I wanted you to trust me? So I could get the Kira case solved?" He asks slightly angry. I nod. L takes in a harsh breath and lets it out. "I did it because I was weak and couldn't hold myself back from you. I knew you were bad but I never lied about how I felt about you (y/n)" After he says this I just blink. I have no smart comment or some witty come back to save myself like normal. We look into each others eyes, lost for what to say next. It's not uncomfortable or awkward just confusing. I thought he'd lied to me. Or he still is lying and he's just tying to get me back on his side. No. I know it in my heart that he's being honest right now. "I know I can't stop you from doing what ever you have planned and I can't save my task force now but if this is some kind of pay back for what you thought was me deceiving you then I want you to know I never lied about caring for you." I feel weak, like I can't even try and muster up fake anger to protect myself from an emotional moment. I've been stripped back and my feelings are completely naked to him. My feelings for him never left but I thought if I buried them six feet under then maybe I could just pretend they weren't there. I was wrong. 

"I love you." 

The words escape my lips, desperate for air. I hadn't planned on saying it, I didn't even know the words were on the edge on my tongue ready to jump but there it is. His eyes widen, he's starting to look just a worn away as me. My hand goes up and touches his cheek. I push it to back of his neck, lightly pushing my fingers through his unkempt hair. He seems frozen but then looks down, breaking our long held eye contact. He tenses and closes his eyes shut tightly, like he's controlling and holding back a natural instinct. And then suddenly his lips are on mine. He gives up on holding back and passionately kisses me. He desperately holds onto me. He moves his right knee in between my thighs, grinding it between my legs making me let out a small moan. I grip onto his arm. As he lowers his body onto mine grinding his hips against me, he brings his hand on my waist and raises it to push it under my shirt, touching my skin with his cool hands. I lightly bite his lower lip as I grind up against him too, making him let out pleasurable sigh. This heaven continues for a while until his hands lower to my jeans, starting to tug at the zipper. I bite his lip harder, making him flinch back, breaking the kiss. I get out from underneath him and pull my shirt down to cover my bra and stomach. 

"I have to think about all this." I say and lean over and bring my thumb over his bottom lip then take my thumb back and put it in my mouth tasting blood. I'd pierced his skin. I wink at him then leave the hotel room, hearing him try to catch his breathe, still very flustered. 

"What the fuck was that?!" Yama says as we walk through the street to go home. I stay silent as my fingers touch my lips that where slightly swollen from kissing. "I know you don't talk to me in public but when we get home we are going to have a major discussion about how stupid that was." He says grumbling. "I hope to God that that was part of your plan. Like how you lied to me about how you were going to kill that Matsuda guy. I like surprises like that but not like this." I sigh dropping my hand from my lips. "Don't act like I irritate you. I'm the one who's supposed to be mad. I had no warning that was about to start happening. You can both see me so don't act like I'm not there when you both start making out." Yama says moving his hands around in frustration. I had been so focused on L that, to be honest, I forgot Yama was even there. "I don't like L. He's going to mess this all up. He makes you all caring and stuff, it's gross." I hate to admit it but he's right. L brought out something in me that I didn't even know I had. "That Light kid may not be perfect but he at least keeps you on track. If you're not careful, I'm going to have to give him a scrap of the Note Book so he can see me. I can't just stand here as you give up on all what you wanted." I stop in my tracks. 

"You're not going to do shit. I have a plan okay." I say making him smile. 

"That's more like it." He chuckles. 

Light x Reader x L - Death Noteजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें