"Where does it hurt?"

"My whole right side, I can't feel my leg but my hip is screaming" he ground out.

"Fuck, your bleeding from somewhere" Wick stated seeing his pants darken.

"Great" he replied his body relaxing.

"Oh no, you stay awake" Lincoln shook his shoulder.

"Someone tell Octavia"

"I will" Lincoln replied, he received a nod before they were pushed back.

They got him ready for transport, and took him away.

The second training ended the guys were banging on Octavia's door.

"What the fuck is the emergency?" Clarke answered, She took note that they were still in there cammies. Marine's weren't allowed off base in cammies, civilian clothes or dress uniforms only. She felt sick, it must be an emergency.

"Bellamy fell out a second story window"

"He what?! OCTAVIA!" Clarke yelled. O came walking into the foyer.

"What is it?"

"Bellamy, he's hurt. He fell out of a second story window." Clarke grabbed there coats and purses.

"Come on, I'll go with you"

"You can follow us."

Once they found parking they all rushed inside, the nurse was more than helpful and led them to a waiting area.

"Hi, I'm Doctor Green" he introduced himself to the guys, Clarke was relieved to see Monty's dad.

"Clarke, Octavia, please sit" he gave them a warm smile.

"Your brother's a tough one, took a good fall. Dislocated his shoulder, has a clean break in his right Hip and fractured two bones in his right leg. We already fixed the shoulder, they are working on his hip right now and then once finished we will cast the leg" He replied, his confidence was comforting. He spoke with gentle reassuring ease.

"So he's going to be fine?"

"We are supposed to deploy in three months" Wick replied concerned.

"With good physical therapy, and a drive to heal, I'd say it's a good chance he will be going with you" he smiled.

"Which brings me to you, I was just about to call you, when I need outstanding physical therapy, I need you, What do you say, would you be willing to take on Sgt. Blake."

Her mind said absolutely not, but her mouth didn't get the memo. However the recommendation from a doctor was high praise in Clarke's eyes.

"Yes of course" she smiled.

"Good, If you get started tomorrow he should be ready for deployment training in 3 months, He should be finishing up, once I get a room number I'll send a nurse for you. Once I get his files for injuries I'll fax them to your office" Dr. Green stood shaking there hands and heading in the other direction.

"Clarke, thanks so much for agreeing to help him" Octavia hugged her. There it was, the other reason she couldn't say no.

Once he had a room they showed everyone waiting in to see him. Clarke sat in the recliner, Lincoln and Wick on the arms of the chair as Octavia pulled a seat up along her brother. She looked awe struck, he looked pale and had a cast pretty much up his whole leg. Clarke wasn't going to lie, she wasn't looking forward to this at all. He had a strong personality and sense of independence on a normal basis, she was sure this would just make it worse than normal.

He started to stir and Clarke had to smile at Octavia hovering over him.

"What happened?" his voice was scratchy, didn't even resemble Bellamy.

"You fell, you broke your hip, fractured your leg and dislocated your shoulder. "

"Is that all?" he gave her a smile, he still had a sense of humor, good sign. Clarke couldn't help it but she was already making notes in her head for "her patient".

He looked over seeing the crew squeezed together on the recliner.

"How do you feel?" Clarke asked moving closer to him.

"I feel alright, little woozy, but okay"

"Dr. Green recommends Clarke as your PT, said she'd have you ready for deployment"

"I don't feel comfortable with that"

"It's a shame, she's the best" Dr. Green's voice traveled through the room. He reached out shaking Bellamy's hand.

"I honestly think it would be mistake to not have her as your physical therapist, she has gotten people in much worse condition on there feet. She's your best bet at deploying with your platoon"

"You don't have anyone else?" he asked. Clarke averted her eyes to the floor.

"I'm just going to go. I'll see you at home O" she gave her a small smile before turning. Octavia pinched her brother.

"Ouch, Fine. I'll let her torture me, lord knows she will probably enjoy every minute" he grumbled. Clarke hid her smile as she walked out. He aggravated her and hell yes she would enjoy every minute of pain she put him in, but only because she loved her job, and knew she could get him back to where he was yesterday.

"Good, she will be in touch tomorrow" Dr. Green Smiled.

All Kinds of Therapy ( Bellarke Edition)Where stories live. Discover now