Chapter 23: Feelings

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Jaemin's POV: Wednesday Night.

"So... you guys acknowledged each other?"

"Yes Rena Unnie..."

"So... you guys know that you're siblings?"

"Yes Rena unnie..."

"But... you guys have feelings for each other?"

"Hais... I'm not sure... I love him as a brother or maybe something more but he confuses me so much... I mean, he kissed me before and he just seem like a boyfriend instead of a brother..."

"Hmm... I mean if you guys love each other a lot, I don't see the problem in stopping you guys. As long as no one knows that y'all are siblings, I don't really see the problem. Plus, you guys aren't blood related anyways!"

"Unnie... I love him but I love the rest too..." I sighed as I plopped myself down on my bed.

"Look Jaemin, you can't love 7 people at the same time—"

"3 actually... my heart pounds fast when I'm with Jimin, Taehyung and Hoseok. I treat the rest as my brother. Ironic, isn't it?" I sighed as I peeled off the face mask and pat the essence on my face.

Time skip. Thursday. 7am.

I wasn't able to sleep last night. I kept thinking about Jimin and my feelings. Thoughts kept playing in my mind.

What if I really fell for Jimin and he doesn't even see me as his sister? Will it actually matter?

What if I fell for all 3 of them? Or even worst, what if I develop feelings for the other 4?

I have never had so many male friends in my life before, this is just overwhelming... Especially since they're all so attractive.

I sighed before tying my shoes and grabbing my keys.

"Oh? You're up early Jaemin." Rena Unnie came out of the kitchen while holding a frying pan. "Ne unnie. I'll go to school now." I smiled at her before leaving the apartment.

The reason why I'm going to school early is because 1) I don't have to face Taehyung which will probably make my heart goes "pitter-patter" and will make my feelings go cray cray. And 2) I cant sleep so... I guess I can try what Yoongi usually do? Sleep in empty classrooms?

I texted Taehyung and informed him that I will be going to school early and that he doesn't need to fetch me.

As I walked to the bus stop, I can't help but to think about my first encounter with Tae... he was so cool and charming and just seem different. But after that night, I realized that he's just an emotional and adorable little boy who is really dedicated and protective.

I sighed as I board the bus. It's actually my first time taking the bus to school, now that I think of that.

Time skip.

I arrived at school and there are some students around but not as crowded as before. People still stare at me even though I went back to my usual look.

"Jaemin!" I heard a familiar voice,

"Jimin oppa...?" I blinked as I stare at him, I know that he comes to school with the other boys so I was kinda surprised to see him here, alone.

"Let's go." That's all he said before he took my hand and ran to a familiar direction, the hideout.

We gasped for air upon reaching the destination. "Omg... why did we run oppa?" I asked as I breath heavily.

"Mianhae... I just don't want anyone to see us and follow us hehe..." he laughed sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck. He blushes as he looked at me.

"You know... I've been thinking of this for the past few days... I know it's wrong... I know it's forbidden... I know it's incest... But..." he grabbed my neck and went in for a peck on my lips.

"I love you, not as a sister but as a lover..." my face starts to heat up as I processed what he just said.

I'm not ready for this, oppa... or am I?

"Will you be mine and only mine?"


So... should Jaemin say yes or no? I mean this book is kinda fked up at this point. So fked up that I don't even know how to write and THERES NO SMUT OMFG I'm dying to include some smuts here but it's too fluffy already omfg hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and sorry for updating after literally a year 😭 forgive me pls! 🙏🙏

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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