Chapter 22: Flashback

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Jaemin's POV:

"And why do you want me to end up with him?"

"Because one is my best friend and another one is my sister." He blurted out before he covers his mouth with his hand. "O-Oh my god. I did not just said that."

I was taken aback from what he just said, does that means he recognized me?

"Erm... J-Jimin?" I looked at him and he looked back with a guilt face.

"L-Look Jaemin, I'm sorry okay... I don't know whether you already know this but... I am in fact, your brother... The Park Jimin that grew up with you... The Park Jimin who has a forbidden love for you..." He mumbled the last part.

"The Park Jimin that is a cry baby in the past?" I smirked at him, he looked at me with wide eyes, "W-What?"

"Oh come on Jimin, do you really think that I don't recognize you? I know about it since day 1... I just wondered if you know about me and whether you recognized me..."

"Jae..." he pulled me into a big tight hug and starts to tear up, "I'm sorry my baby sister, I'm sorry for leaving you like that..."

I pulled away the hug to ask some serious questions, "Why did you abandoned me though? Is everything fine with Umma and Appa?" His eyes slightly twitched when I mentioned about our parents.

He shuffled a little and cleared his throat before starting the story...

Flashback. Jimin's POV.

"Jimin, we need to leave, soon." Appa said as he hurriedly packed his bag, I rubbed my eyes since I just woke up.

"Wae Appa?" I was only 10 years old when this happened.

"Jimin, don't ask so much, ppali, go pack your bag. We'll be leaving this place. Wake your Umma up too." My head tilt to the side as I furrowed my brows.

"What about Jaemin?" I love my baby sister and if Appa want to go somewhere, I NEED to bring her.

Appa stopped packing and looked at me, he kneeled down and held onto my shoulders, "Jimin, it would be too dangerous to bring her along... Appa did something horrible... I went to borrowed money from the loan sharks to save my company... but... I couldn't return the money... in return, I sold your sister to them... I'm sorry Jimin... please please, forgive me." Appa hugged me tightly as he cried.

"W-What? You can't do that Appa! Jaemin is my sister!" I pushed him away as I tried to wake Jaemin up in the other room.

"Jimin! No. look, if I don't do that, Appa will be dead, Umma too. Would you rather your blood related family die or someone who is not related to you die?"

"Appa..." my eyes start to become teary and I unconsciously nodded my head.

"O-Oppa?" I looked to the left, there she stood, my baby sister, Park Jaemin. The girl who I had a crush on, my first love. My princess.

"Are you guys going somewhere?" She asked, I walked over to her and gave her a final hug and kissed her on the forehead, "Jaemin, will you be fine alone in the house?" She nodded her head.

"Why are you asking this oppa?" Jaemin is a smart girl, I don't have to explain too much for her to let her understand everything.

"Oppa is--"

"Jaemin, I'm sorry to tell you this but you'll have to be separated with your oppa. We're going somewhere far and we can't bring you along." Appa suddenly said, cutting my words.

"Why not Appa?" She asked as she start to look anxious, guilt start to spread over my face.

"Because... we're not going to bring you. I'm sorry Jaemin but stay here okay?" Appa continued.

"How long will you all be going and where?" She asked again.

"I'm not sure, but it won't be long. Just stay here okay? And we'll be going to America."

"Oppa... I don't want to be separated with oppa..." she hugged my tightly as I encircled my arms around her.

"Come on Jimin, let's go." Appa forcefully pulled me away.

"No Oppa! I don't want to be separated with you! Andwe!"

That's the last thing I heard her say before we went down. Umma was already waiting for us downstairs.

End of flashback. Jimin's POV.

"O-Oppa..." she starts to cry hard and I can't help but to let her cry on my shoulder. I patted her head and kept saying sorry to her.

"W-Where's Umma and Appa now?" She looked up at me with her puffy red eyes.

"They're dead... When we're heading towards America, we're kidnapped and they were murdered. I was lucky that the cops came in time or else, I would also be dead." I kissed her forehead and leaned my forehead on hers. The only thing that could be heard was her sniffs and hiccups.

How I wish I could make you mine and protect you forever... but it's impossible... we're siblings...

What she didn't know was, the last word I said to her was, "I love you" in the car.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this really emotional chapter lol 😂 Do y'all ship Jaemin and Jimin? Do y'all want them to get together? Or do you want Jaemin to get together with others? Please let me know!!


And, I love Mama, Stigma, Awake and Cypher pt.4, which is your fav track? 😁

4, which is your fav track? 😁

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