Chapter 18: Sweetie

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Jaemin's POV:

School has already ended and I'm now waiting for a grandpa to appear outside the school.

*Aish why is Yoongi Oppa so slow...* I pouted as I kicked the pebbles on the ground. Footsteps were coming towards me at a fast pace, I looked up, expecting to be Yoongi but I was wrong, it was V. My smile dropped as I looked at him.

"O-Oh.. Suga Hyung told me to wait for him here.. I'll go somewhere else if you're not comfortable with me standing here.." He said sadly and I felt a pinch of guiltiness in me.

"Ah.. Gwenchana.. I'm waiting for Yoongi Oppa too.." Speaking of the devil, Suga came walking out of the gate, looking tired as usual.

" *yawn* Are you guys waiting for me?" He asked and we both nodded our heads, *Wait.. Is Taehyung joining us?* I signaled Yoongi using my eyes, hoping that he will understand my language. He looked at me innocently, "What? You have something in your eyes?" I groaned in frustration before looking at V.

"O-Oh.. He's joining us. I hope you don't mind." Yoongi said simply before putting his hands in his pockets and walked in front, the both of us said nothing and followed him.

"Let's go get deokbukki now since it's just across the street okay?" Yoongi said but I didn't reply, I was busy thinking why Yoongi invited V to join us.. He should know what happened that day. *sigh*

"H-Hey.." It was complete silence until V spoke up. I looked awkwardly at him, "Will you be uncomfortable if I join you guys?" He asked quietly and I shook my head.

It was in deafening silence again.

"Ahjumma, 5 bowls of deokbukki please, with fish cakes and fried food. Do you guys want anything?" I ordered and the two males in front of me almost had their eyes popped out.

"Erm.. No thank you." Taehyung replied and I looked towards Suga who still look shocked, "I swear you're Jin 2.0." I assume he doesn't want anything so I proceed with my order.

Time skip.

"Ahh.. So full.. Yoongi Oppa, you'll be paying right?" He nodded his head slowly as he watch all the empty bowls that's on the table and yep, I ate all of it. He sighed and paid for the food.

"Thank you Oppa!" I smiled brightly which he didn't return of course."Oppa... I want Bingsu.." The both of them looked at me as if their spirits have left their body. "Yah... What's wrong with you Jaemin? You're eating wayyyy too much." Taehyung asked.

"I'm fine Taehyung. Yah! I'm still craving for Jjajangmyun you know but I'm saving it for next time hehe and Yoongi Oppa, you're paying." I stick out my tongue at him and ran toward the Bingsu shop.

Suga's POV:

I watched her as she ran toward the Bingsu shop. Taehyung and I stared at her before exchanging eye contacts.

"Something must be wrong with her Hyung."

"I know Taehyung. But what can we do? Aish. Let's just follow her before she gets lost or something." We followed her and went into the Bingsu shop.

*What.. She has already ordered 3 Bingsus..*

"Oppa join me!" She beamed happily at us and we sat across her, watching her eat.

"Taehyung, you like strawberry Bingsu right? I ordered it just for you. And Yoongi Oppa, you like milk Bingsu right? I ordered this for you. Dig in guys!" She said happily before eating her mango Bingsu.

"Hyung... Something's definitely wrong..." Taehyung whispered to me and I replied, "I know... I can tell..." We slowly eat our bingsu as we stare at her in disbelief, she's eating her bingsu as if she hasn't been eating for years!

"Hyung.. I think it's because of me... That day--"

"Hush Tae, it's not your fault, we all know it's Rin's idea." I whispered back.


"Oppas, why are the both of you whispering?" We looked at her and smiled innocently, "Nothing~" we cooed.

"Thank you for the food!" She said.

Time Skip. Suga's Home. 10pm. Suga's POV.

"Hyung, I really have to find out what happened to her."

"I understand Tae, I also want to find out what is happening to her. But maybe we were thinking too much? Maybe she's just having some menstrual stuff or just simple craving?"

" *sigh* maybe you're right Hyung.. I need to go now Hyung. See you tomorrow!"

"Okay okay. Night Tae."

I hung up the phone call and lie down on my comfy bed. *Aish.. What is this girl thinking..*

Author's note: Hi! I hope you like this update and sorry for the slow updates. I'll be updating according to this schedule:

Wednesday- His Adopted Sister

And yes I know I'm always late by one day, I'm so sorry! My school break is ending soon which means I'm going back to school ;-; and won't have much time for wattpad ;-;

I have made some changes to the format for this book😂 for example, I used to write
>>Fast Forward<< now I will be writing
Time Skip. Without '>>' and '<<'.

Lastly, for the next chapter onwards, I would be using either 3rd person POV/ No one's POV or other BTS members' POV, there will be lesser Jaemin's POV.

Okay I should stop with the rant and write the next chapter soon😂 sorry if I wasted your time.



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