Patient Information

2.1K 15 26

Patient Zero

Name: (y/n)

Sex: Male 

Age: 18

Height: 68 inches

Weight: 134 pounds. 

*Weight and Height may change after the procedure.  

Blood type: Type A (May change due to result of procedure)

Weapon: 12-inch sword. Nicknamed "Weeping Willow". Changes into bolt-action rifle.

Other arms: 9-millimeter pistol. Nicknamed "Yuri" 

Semblance: Unknown name or use. Our benefactor has stated that it drains the life force of the user. 

Other notes: Subject may experience tremendous pain from the procedure. After completion, patient may have physical and/or mental changes. 


???: Well, that can be worked around, can't it?

Salem: It can. Begin Procedure. 

Judas (Blake x Male Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz