Chapter 10

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Well, waddaya know? Guess Conner's prediction was actually right. At the entrance of the school, there was Alex, leaning on the wall. She had her headphones on, listening to music, while she was writing something down on her notebook. As soon we saw her, me, Amanda, and Conner weaved through the crowd of teens and came to her.

"Hey Alex," Conner said causally "How're you doing?"

She looked up and took her headphones off. "I'm doing good. What took you so long?" she said matter-of-factly.

We all stared at her as if she was insane. Did she not know how early she came to school. Maybe 4 weeks wasn't enough for her and perhaps she got a concussion. (Hey, I'm not trying to be rude here.)

"Alex..." I said "Did you not know what time you took off? It was still 5 in the morning!"

She frowned. "Oh yeah I know that," she said irritatedly  "Supposedly I woke up with a throbbing headache, then the Voice told me to go to school early. Of course I didn't listen to it, but it was bothering me so much I just gave up and listen to it."

The three of us just stared at her, confused. One word was hovering above us: 


"The Voice" I said.

"Yeah, that's what I said" she said, annoyed.

"The Voice" I repeated dumbly.

Before Alex could open her mouth, the first period bell rang. We went inside and got our stuff inside our locker.(Me and Conner have lockers next to each other, while Alex and Amanda have theirs behind.)

"Well, I have to head to history class," said Conner "I'll see you guys at lunch."

"See you." We said. Well, Alex  didn't say anything. She just went to her first period.

Then I realized, I have science with her first thing in school. Well, let's just see how it goes.


Alex's point of view

In science class, our professor, Mr. Williams, was introducing another dissection project. Yuck. Mostly, I wasn't listening, because god knows what else we will be dissecting. FROGS!?

"Blah blah blah...another dissection, blah, blah, blah...go with your partners...blah, blah, blah dissecting frogs..." he said.

Oh god. Frogs. The most disgusting animal to dissect. My partner who sits next to me, Byron Chase, looks like he's going to vomit.

"Well, looks like we'll be doing another dissection." I said wearily.

"I know right Alex," he mumbled "Gross."

Perhaps you should just cast a spell and blow the professor away, a voice said. I looked around in confusion.

"Is everything all right Alex?" said Byron.

"Yeah I'm alright. Did you hear that though?" I said.

"Here what?" he said in confusing, as Mr. Williams gave us a packet with a plastic bag. Inside was a FROG.

"Never mind." I said.

"Alright everybody!" announced Mr. Disgusting. "You know what you should do. Get your gloves, goggles, and trays! The packet explains everything, but come to me if you have any questions! Happy dissecting!"

"So, ready to cut this thing open?" I said, as I put on goggles and gloves.

"With you there, Alex." Byron said.

We took the frog out of the bag and placed it on its back. Byron read the packet.

"First, Grasp the legs and push down away from the pelvis." he said shakily. Poor guy, he's so sensitive. 

You're the one that's also sensitive, said the voice again. I was about to let out another yelp, when I realized that it was the same voice that was stuck in my head for the past four weeks. I groaned, but not aloud. 

Hello Voice, long time no annoy, I thought as I grasped the frog's legs.

How many times do I have to tell you, it said you were always meant to become the shadow of yourself. Remember back then when you under that curse and you almost harmed your brother and friends?

I winced at that memory. Of course the Voice had to make my life miserable. Just when I thought I had enough of that already.

Can you just shut up Voice? I demanded angrily I'm in school right now.

Doesn't matter. You know that you are meant to become one of darkness.

I cannot express how I am feeling annoyed right now. I don't know how much I can hold my frustration in check.

You know that and you should.

"Can you just shut your mouth up?!" I yelled, literally, in the classroom "How about you just go away and leave me alone!"

The whole classroom went silent at my sudden outburst. A couple of the students went mouth gaped. Byron just stared at me in shock. Mr. Williams did not know what to make of this.

"Urmm..." he said uneasily "Ms. Bailey, are you feeling alright?"

My face went red. "Yeah, sort of. I haven't been feeling that well."

"Well, why don't you take a break at the library?" he suggested "I know that's where you relax your mind."

Oh yes please. I will defiantly take a freaking break.(And also to get away from dissecting.

"Of course Mr. William," I said standing up "Thank you for your understanding."

"No problem. Now, Mr. Chase, can you work on your own?"

Byron looks like he's really going to throw up now that he has to work ALONE. I couldn't help but snickered. Hey, at least I didn't do it out loud.

He gulped. "Yeah, I'll be fine. No worries." He weakly smiled.

"Ok then." Mr Willy said. "Ok class, you can continue!"


Bree's point of view

As Alex walked out the door, I shook my head. I couldn't help but wonder what was going on with her. She's been acting really weird and all. I need to found out what was going on. I excused myself from the lab. 

Out in the hallway, I whipped my phone out and called Conner to report to the library ASAP. Looks like detective Bree is going to crack the case.

A/N Hey guys! So, so sorry for the long update! Been really busy and lot's of stuff going at school. I'll try to organize my day and do another update soon! Love all of you guys support!

The Land of Stories: Saving the World And Other Extreme Sportsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें