Chapter 2

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Outside the school, Alex was expecting Arthur, but to her dismay, nobody was there. So Alex whipped out her phone and started calling him, hoping he would pick up, (and not be mad at her.)

To her delight, he picked up.

¨Hey Alex!¨, Arthur said.

¨Hey Arthur!¨, Alex said. ¨I'm so sorry I'm late. I forgot my soccer equipment, and I know you arranged the date in the afternoon so l wouldn't miss it, but l have the game after the-

Arthur laughed. Alex didn't know if he was laughing in a good way or bad.

¨Alex girl, just relax. I'm a reasonable person, so there's nothing to worry about. I knew what was going on, because I saw you without your soccer stuff, so I wasn't really expecting you.¨

Alex sighed with relief. Thank god he wasn't mad. If he was, she wouldn't know what to do.

Then, a question strucked her, the one she forgot to ask Arthur.

¨So... we're still going right?¨, she asked.


¨Nice! So where are you right now?¨

¨I'm at Charlotte's house right now.¨

¨Okay! I'll be there at.., She checked her watch, ¨At 2:40.¨

¨Okay! See you there.¨

¨See you.¨ ,Alex said, then hung up.

She was feeling excited. Although this will be her 6th time dating Arthur, she felt like all over again. Alex picked up her bike, strap her helmet, and began peddling towards her mom's home.


At Charlotte's house, Arthur was waiting patiently for Alex. He was a pretty attractive young teenage boy, with slick sandy blond hair, and bright blue eyes, the same as Alex's. He was always seen with jeans and a hoodie with a black leather vest. Some people thought that he wore it so he would get more popularity, but he said it was just his usual style.

The door then open, but it wasn't Alex. It was her mom, Charlotte Bailey.

¨Oh, hey Arthur. I wasn't expecting you here,¨ Charlotte said, walking in the house.

¨Yeah, Conner let me in. I'm waiting for Alex. We're supposed to go out,¨ Arthur said, walking in the kitchen, getting himself a snack.

¨Hmmm, so my daughter is already dating now. Who knows, I'll probably expecting grandchildren in 10 years or so,¨ Charlotte teased.

Arthur blushed.

¨Well, we started dating 2 weeks ago. You didn't know Mrs. Bailey?¨, Arthur said, taking a bite from an apple.

¨Sorry, I had to deal with a pretty lot of patients last week.¨

¨Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, Arthur said, ¨Were you stressed out?¨

¨Not really, I had a couple of nurses and of course Bob to help with.¨

¨Good to hear.¨

The door opened again, and Alex walked in, out of breath.

¨Hey Alex!¨, Arthur said, walking towards her. 

¨Hey Arthur,¨ Alex said, panting, then collapsed on the coach.

¨What's wrong Alex?¨, Charlotte asked.

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