Chapter 3

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Alex's point of view

Inside the car, I looked at Arthur, confused.

¨What the heck Arthur? We're going to a restaurant called Fork?¨,l said, looking at him like he just drank 7 bottles of wine.(To all of you guys don't try that at home. Conner once tried to do that, and let me tell you, it didn't work out quite so well.)

¨Yep,¨ Arthur said. ¨Don't believe me? Look it up on your phone. There's actually a restaurant called Fork. It's a nice place for dating.¨

I looked it up as he said. Huh, well waddaya know. This Fork Restaurant thingie is a perfect place for dating and is a cuisine that serves delicious food. So l'll guess I'll take Arthur's word for it.

¨What a strange name for a nice cuisine,¨ I said, as Arthur stopped on a red light ¨At least make it sounds a bit like what it is.¨

Arthur looked at me. ¨You see Alex, most people don't care about the title.¨

¨What does that even means?¨I said, looking confused.

¨What l mean is that, this place I'm taking you,it's so neat and the food is so good, that you won't care if the restaurant's name is weird or not.¨

I raised an eyebrow at him. He didn't see it though, because he was on the move again, but he could sense it.

¨You'll see what I mean. We're almost there.¨


7 minutes later we arrived. And I have to admit, It was the best date out of everything I have gone to with Arthur. I thought nothing bad would happen. But apparently it did. I know right, dramatic music. Dun dun duuuun. 


Nobody's point of view

Alex and Arthur walked up to the counter, where they saw a man with a fancy black suit. Alex could see on the name pin, his name was Lester.

¨So that's where Mother Goose got that name for Lester,¨ Alex thought.¨She probably must went to Fork too.¨

¨Hey guys,¨ said Lester ¨ Do you have a reservation?¨

¨Yep,¨ Arthur said, ¨Reserved for Arthur Pendragon please.¨

¨Right this way.¨ Lester said, leading them to a table.

As Alex and Arthur sat down, Alex noticed that there were two disks that were red.

¨Sooo...¨ Alex said when they sat down, ¨How do we order when there's no menu?¨

Arthur laughed. 

¨See these disks,¨ Arthur said, motioning to them, ¨Just flip them to the green sides and let it do the magic.¨

¨Ok¨ thought Alex as she flipped the disk.

As she did, the door suddenly swung open, and 5 chefs filed out carrying food on the plates and went to their table. 

¨Fried Shrimp,¨ the first chef said. ¨You like some fried shrimp?¨

¨I have chicken here.¨

¨Sirloin steak here.¨

¨Anybody want lamb chops?¨

¨Steak here. Very good.¨

¨Oh my gosh,¨ Alex said, her eyes wide, ¨I think l took the wrong turn. l thought Fork would serve some weird food, but l guess not. This seems like heaven to me.¨

Arthur laughed. He always got the same reaction with his friends. ¨Oh please Alex. Stop it before the table gets flooded.¨

Alex glared at him playfully.

¨Really,¨ thought Alex ¨Says the one who is a carnivore himself.¨

The chefs carved the chicken and sirloin steak on Alex's plate. Although the meat was good, she took a little bit of  meat. She needed to save her energy for the soccer game tonight. While Arthur here, took a LOT of everything. He (politely and slowly) wolfed down every meat that was presented. 

The chefs came around again, this time with steak-wrapped bacon. ¨Another dish or so and Arthur'll be grunting like a caveman¨ thought Alex as she took a bite of steak.

As the two talked, Alex noticed that  the times 6:45. She had to be there at 7 for the game to began at 7:25.

¨Arthur, this had been amazing, and I really appreciated it.¨Alex said, smiling.

He smiled. ¨Anything for you, Alex.¨

¨But, l have the game soon. And it's 6:46 Arthur.¨

He frowned and looked at his watch. His eyes widened. ¨Oh god! I'm so sorry Alex! I wasn't paying attention to the time.¨

She chuckled. ¨It's all right.¨

Arthur wave the nearest waiter down. ¨Check!¨

The waiter came to their table. ¨Hello. Did you enjoy the food?¨

¨Oh yeah it was great.¨"said Arthur.

¨Glad to hear it. Now, this will cost you guys $500.

Alex's eyes boggled. ¨$500 dollars?¨ she said in disbelief.

¨Yep.¨ Arthur said as he payed the waiter.¨This place is never to cheap.¨

¨How did you even payed for all this?¨

Arthur pretended he was in deep thought. Then he said, ¨Daddy's money¨ he said in a tone.

Alex's eyes widened. ¨ARE YOU SERIOUS!?¨ she practically shrieked.

Everybody turned and stared at her. She blushed a deep shade of red.

¨Sorry Arthur. what l meant was, you stole you dad's money?¨

Arthur looked at her like she was crazy. ¨You kidding me?¨, he said ¨No way! My dad is the head of the FBI, so he makes a lot of cash.¨

¨Oh that would make sense¨ said Alex as she gathered her stuff.

¨You want me to drive you there?¨

Nope, it's all right. This street happens to be close at North Hills Stadium.¨

¨Alright then. Good luck with the game¨ Said Arthur as they walked out.


Outside, Alex took a breath. This had been the best date out of everything she had gone with Arthur. Now knowing his dad was rich too was a bonus. She chuckled at the thought of that. As she walked down the crosswalk, she suddenly heard Arthur's scream.

¨ALEX! WATCH OUT!!¨ Arthur shouted, pointing.

She turned the direction Arthur was pointing at. She could see a car driving up, fast. Inside was two person in it. One was wearing a cloak, while the other was wearing a black suit.

Before she could do anything else, Alex suddenly felt pain surged through her body and everything went black.

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