Chapter 4

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5 days ago....

¨Are you kidding me?!¨ Lloyd said, ¨There is no way I'm going to agree with that plan! It's not going to work!¨

He and Morina was discussing their plan, and once Morina revealed the plan, Lloyd went haywires. 

¨What do you mean it's not going to work,¨ Morina said, annoyed and frustrated that he still didn't understand.

"What I mean is that how do you expect it's going to work? Running Alex over with a.. how do you say it... a car will work?", Lloyd said "She would surely die."

Morina smiled evilly. "Yes, but you forgot one thing. We're not going to actually hit her hard. Once we get close enough to Alex. you can slow down and crash into her without actually hurting her. Once so, I will sprinkle a bit of the curse dust on her. It will take some time till it control her mind, but we have to be patient."

Lloyd soften a bit. "Ok, but how will it control her mind? We all know Alex is a powerful fairy. The last time you witches tried to use her, she managed to fight it."

Morina groaned. Was he not listening?

"I will have to be some sort of role modeling. I will act like some sort of Voice that talks to her in her mind, convincing that she was meant for darkness. Once she turned evil, we will launch the plan."

Lloyd smiled. That sounded like a plan. "Ok then," he said "Let's go catch ourselves a fairy."


At Charlotte's house, Conner, Bree, Bob, and Charlotte was worried. It has been 45 minutes that Alex hasn't responded. Charlotte had called her 4 times already, and she hasn't picked up yet.

"Maybe she was late for the game and she was too busy to call us." Bree said. She was also on the soccer team, but when she heard Alex hasn't showed up for the past 45 minutes, she asked her alternate to replace her for this time."

Conner was starting to worry as much as Charlotte. "If she was that late, then she would have called us when she arrived at the stadium." he said, starting to fret.

Charlotte put down her phone after the fifth call. "She isn't picking up. Neither is Arthur. Do you think something has happened to her? Do you think she was kidnapped? She was starting to scream. "What is going on?"

Bob put his hand on her shoulders. "Relax honey. Let's not jump to conclusions. Let's just have faith that everything will turn out okay."

Suddenly, Conner's phone rang. He looked at it. It was from Arthur.

"Maybe Arthur'll explain it. He's calling me." he said and picked it up.

"Arthur? Hey there. What's going on? Why hasn't Alex picked up my mom's call?"

Arthur ignored his question and then said frantically in the phone, "Conner! Quick! You need to come to the hospital!" he sounded as if he was closed to crying. "Something terrible just happened...."

Sorry for the short chapter guys! I'll try to update very soon!

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