Chapter 5

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Alex's Point of View

Have you ever woken up with a throbbing head yelling down at you? Have you ever tried to move your arms or legs but you just feel so numb that you practically can feel NOTHING at all? Well,that's me.After the car crash, I thought that I would surely die. But what I was not expecting that to wake up. I was in a hospital bed. I could see that I was wearing a sling across my left arm.

"Guess I broke an arm," I thought miserably "At least it wasn't my right arm." 

Suddenly, the door opened. 6 people walked in. I could see the five are Bob, mom, Bree, Arthur, and Conner. I instantly closed my eyes. I don't know why I did that. Maybe because I don't feel like confronting them yet.

"Is she going to be alright doctor?" my mom said, clearly worrying about me.

Inside my head, I was like "Gee Goly mom! Do I look like I'm ok?! NO!! I have a frikin sling on my left arm, I just have a stupid car crash, so do you think I'm ok?!?!"

 Then I stopped, mortified. What was I thinking? If I said that to my mom aloud, she would be like, "Alex, what is going on with you?" I wasn't acting like myself.

Meanwhile, the doctor was talking. "And she will have to stay home for at least for 4 weeks. This car accident didn't see like a accident to me. It looks like some sort of ransom."

I wasn't able to contain myself after hearing this. I jumped up from the bed, wincing from the pain still surging through my body.

"Are you kidding me doctor?" I said "4 weeks is to long! I have a meeting with..." I was about to say the Fairy Council, but I stopped my self. Instead, I said, "The student Council." There. Sounds better.

All 6 were surprised to see me awake. But Arthur, Bree, Conner, mom and bob were happy and relieved to see me ok and well.

"Alex!" Conner said "I'm so glad to see that you're alright ! We were so worried!"

"Yeah yeah" I grumbled. For some reason I didn't fell like talking to them right now.

Then, Arthur hugged me. "Oh my god Alex, I'm so glad to see you ok. You feeling tired?"

I was about to say "What do you think?" but I stopped myself. They were all glad to see I was alright, so maybe I should let them enjoy a bit.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'm alright."

The doctor was holding a clipboard. "Alexandra Bailey?" he said as he handed a cup of water to me.


"Do you still feel any pain from the crash? Any nausea? Headache?"

"Nope," I said, shaking my head. "I'm feeling alright, so I should be ok to get out of the hospital."

The doctor looked surprised to hear me say that. "Ms. Bailey, I'm sorry, but you still need to rest up a bit. You can be dismissed in 45 minutes, but for now, rest up."

I sighed, but I couldn't argue with the doctor. So I collapsed on the pillow.

"Hey guys," Bree said, "Let's give Alex a moment to rest up. She's feeling tired right now."

That's my girl.

The rest nodded. and headed out the door.

As the door closed, a voice suddenly spoke up. Not outside, but somehow, in my head.

"You were meant for darkness, Alexandra Bailey" a voice rang out in my head.

Next update on Thursday!

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