#11 Another day in Hell...

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Did not draw that wolf!!

(M/n) Pov~

I am yet again sitting down at the table while 'master' eats. I already have blood stains in my fur and the shocks that are sent from the remote don't phase me anymore. The only feelings I have met this whole time is pain, sadness, and regret for not being there with my pack.  "Hey mutt listen to me when I speak!"  I stared blankly at him as he kicked my side harshly hitting my rib cage. "Today we are going hunting and that sense of smell you got there may come in handy"  I growled and bared my teeth at him 'no way in hell will I help him kill a innocent creature, let alone do it for him' I yelped when a new type of pain courses through me. He jabbed me with a stick that had a sharp little blade sticking out of the bottom. "You WILL help me or else your never seeing light again you ungrateful bitch" I growled lowly again but this time slowly stood up so I wouldn't get stabbed again. He stood up and yanked on my leash as we made our way towards the exit. He grabbed his gun that he strangely kept beside the door. "Why...?" I croaked out. "Why what?" He snapped "Why did you take me... why couldn't you have left me with my family...?" He began to snigger ( if you don't know what that mean this is the definition: give a smothered or half-suppressed laugh.) " You may be useless to me for now.. but you do have some things that others could use" I tilted my head to the side in confusion until he once again spoke " I just might be able to get someone to buy you for some good money" "no one would buy me and you know that!" He snorted at y response as we continued driving " you don't know that someone could use your smell and plus that nice plump ass of yours could help relieve a horny fella~" fear struck in the bottom of my stomach, the only things going through my mind at that moment was that I needed out of here ASAP. The truck suddenly stopped and I slammed my head against the glass thankfully not shattering it. He stepped out and came around the corner opening the door and gripping my leash tightly. I was yanked out and dragged into the woods with him and his shot gun I learned that he named 'brook'. ( don't judge him )  "find a deer mutt"  he sneered and shoved my head into the dirt. I grumbled and turned into a wolf so I could use my nose to its max power. Sniffing around the only thing I could smell was dirt. ( -_-)  I started walking slowly so I would get hit from 'not doing my job'. As we continued down the trail all different kinds of scents filled my nose until the one that I needed came up.... deer. I barked and ran forward dragging fay behind. We ran for probably about 10 minutes until I slowed my pace as the sent got stronger. I came to halt as my leash was tugged. He motioned for the log that was conveniently wedged between two trees. The deer was peacefully eating a few feet away from us while we sat there and waited. I was forcefully shoved to the ground so I would be in a laying position. I covered my ears so I wouldn't hear the sound of the soon to be dead deer carcass hit the ground. Silence filled the air for around 5 minutes until....
The deer had been shot  and stumbled to the ground. I whimpered at the poor animals misery. He yanked my leash AGAIN and pulled me beside him to get the deer. My eyes widened at the sight before me. The deer's body was sprawled out across the floor with blood seeping into the ground from the bullet hold right in between its eyes. I felt pity for it even though it didn't have to suffer and be trapped with a guy who is most likely going to sell it to a horny bastard as a sex toy.  After that catch we walked back to the truck and found a police car pulled over behind it. We stayed silent until an idea popped into my head. I could get hurt but it's better then being here forever. I quickly shifted into a human and yelled "Help he kidnapped me!!"  Fays eyes widened as he yanked me down "you dumbass!!"  The police turned towards me and I shot my hand into the air to show where I was. Fay kicked my side again and I heard a snapping sound. I decided to ignore it and continued to try and get help. "Put your hands up!" The police pointed a gun to Fay as he glared at me and put his hands up dropping the deer. The police turned towards me after arresting Fay of course and helped me off the ground. "Are you okay sir?" "Yes! Thank you!" I yelped in delight. "Alright do you have anyone who looks after you?"  "Yes, but I don't have my phone.." "here borrow mine and call your family and hopefully they can pick you up and if not I'll be happy to take you home" I nodded and grabbed the phone 'wait... no one owns a phone...' I stared at the phone wondering who to call. 'I'll just call my phone hopefully they can answer that one'. I dialed the number 304-728-8890 (random number idk if that even is a phone number 😂 ) and waited "h-hello...?" Came a cracking voice from the other side that I knew way to well. "Ame!! It's me!!" "(M-m/n)?! Where are you we've been looking for you forever!" I smiled as I heard silent sniffling from the other side. I looked around and spotted a sign that said ,' pine tree Avenue,'  "I'm at pine tree Avenue and there's a Chick-fil-A right beside it" ( I did that cuz j can ) "Stay there!" The phone went silent then it hung up. "I'm guessing they are on their way?" The man chuckled as I nodded. "Alright I'll stay with you until they get here don't want you getting kidnapped again now do we?" I sighed in relief and smiled. I finally get to see Ame again...

YAY!! THEY ARE BACK TOGETHER!! Also this is how it went because I was writing as I went so it's not that good.....

Okay yeah nothing I wrote is good but oh well!!
Until next time my little wolfies!!

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