3# School!

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Your Pov!

~time skip 3 weeks~

'My wound has finally healed and I'm  so excited to finally do things I couldn't do before' I thought as I jumped out of bed for school and speed walked quietly over to my cloths to picked out a different outfit.

Your cloths——>

'I guess this is good' I thought as I put on my cloths and quietly walked over to the kitchen

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'I guess this is good' I thought as I put on my cloths and quietly walked over to the kitchen. I started making breakfast and looked over at the clock, 4:50 they should be waking up soon since they like to get to school extra early. After I was done making breakfast I placed it on the table and started eating my own as I heard a door open. I looked towards the noise and saw it was Hana. "You made breakfast?" She asked with a shocked expression, "yes, is that okay?" "That great!" I tilted my head and laughed quietly trying not to be to loud just yet. "I woke up at around 4:00 so I just decided to make breakfast" I said while taking another bite, "you woke up that early? Aren't you tired?" She asked with a hint of concern in her voice. "Oh I'm fine I just got excited and couldn't wait for school to start" I looked back at the clock 4:55 they should be getting dressed right now. "Why do they always go to school early?" "Well it's more of Yuki wanting to see her friends"  she sighed "oh okay" I sighed while taking my  last bite and getting up to carry my plate to the sink. I heard another door open and looked back behind me to see Yuki jumping around excitedly and hurrying up to eat her breakfast. I laughed a little and finished cleaning the plate, drying it, and putting it away. Yuki quickly finished her breakfast and cleaned her plate putting it away. "Ame hurry up!" She yelled jumping outside of his door. I heard a groan before he came out with his back pack ready to go. I went inside my room and grabbed my backpack as well. As I walked out I noticed Yuki and Ame already outside walking. I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a apple and a little snack and hurried outside to catch up. After running for a moment I nudged Ame and put out the apple towards him " you forgot to eat so I brought you a apple and a snack" I smiled as he took the apple, "thanks" he smiled as he bit into it. After what felt like forever we got to the school. "Finally! It felt like Years!" I groaned and threw my hands in the air as they laughed at my statement. Yuki went with her friends while Ame walked into his class and sat in the back, but I had to go to the office to get my schedule. On my way I ran into a group of 3 guys, "sorry!" I apologized while trying to walk past them to get to the office. "Not so fast runt" the one in the middle who looked like the leader growled, he put two fingers in the air in a gun like form and pointed towards me as the other two pinned me to the wall. "I didn't mean to bump into you!" I growled back with a glare. "There's one rule in here kid we run this school, got it? We tell you to do somethin and you do it without any questions-" I cut him off by saying "I won't do what ever YOU tell me to do, you don't own me" I snarled at him with a slight grin. He looked at me with a pissed expression and nodded as the other two started to punch and kick me. "Lunch money now" "I d-don't have any!" He glared at me for a moment and then pointed towards me having the other two check me, but they wouldn't get any because I didn't bring any money I brought a lunch box. The other two shook their heads in a no motion and the leader sighed walking towards me as the other two let me go. "I didn't wanna have to do this kid but looks like I have no choice" he smirked at me as I gave a discussed look "then don't do it dumbass" I spat at him as he growled again.. he picked me up by the collar on my shirt and punched my eye giving me a black eye. I kicked him where the sun don't shine as he groaned in pain and let me go. I ran to the office with a black eye, bruised cheek, cuts and scratches and even more bruises everywhere. It hurt to walk but I powered through it. I made it to the office and walked up to the girl at the counter. "What do you need sweet hea-" she cut herself off by gasping at my appearance. "Are you okay sweet heart?!" I sighed and looked at her with a emotionless face " I just need my schedule please" I asked her with a fake smile "sure... and here is a map too" she gave me a map along with my schedule. As I was getting ready to leave she started talking to me "the nurses office is in room 126..." "okay thanks" I said while walking out of the room and started walking to my firs class. 'Hmm.. room 115 shit that's where Ame is right now..' I though as I saw the bullies from earlier I started running past them and to my room at the entrance of the school. "There he is!" They yelled and started chasing me, but before they could catch me I made it to my class room and walked in sticking my tongue out at them for a moment. I was okay till I noticed all eyes where on me... "..." I didn't speak until the teacher broke the silence "class this is Mr M/n L/n he is a new student here... and Mr M/n what happened to you?" He asked staring at me as everyone else tilted their head waiting for the story " uhh... I-I umm... fell down on the concrete..." I sighed a worried sigh and gave a fake smile as he just sighed "okay take a seat beside Ame in the back" 'Damnit out of all the people in here it had to be him...' I walked over to Ame and sat down next to him as he just gave a worried expression towards me like the girl in the office. "I'm fine" I said while smiling at him. I took out my notebooks and pencils and started taking notes. "Okay class here is a simple equation whoever gets it first is the winner, no there are no prizes but the equation  is 1,000 + 30+20+1,000+1,030+1,000+20 equals what?" While everyone else was weighting the problem down I just blurted out the answer "4,100 sir" he looked shocked and dropped his pencil as everyone else turned around at me with their mouths wide open. "What?" I asked tilting my head to the right "that's the fastest anyone's ever done that problem..." the teacher said grabbing his pencil from the floor "it was easy all you had to do was add all the thousands then the thirties, and then the twenties and you get 4,100" I shrugged my shoulders "okay Mr M/n let's see if you can do this problem" he erased his last problem and wrote a new one "what is the square root of 20?" "4.47214" I answered and everyone stared in awe. "What?" "Your so cool!!" Everyone shouted " nah I'm just a ordinary student" I shrugged "YOUR A GENIUS!!" "No... I just study...?" I started to shift uncomfortably in my seat from all the attention. "Okay class tomorrow there will be a test and Mr M/n it doesn't look like you need extra time to study.. there will be 40 questions it should only take you 20-30 minutes to complete this test and I expect at least c's or b's" everyone beside me groaned. "Class is dismissed you have 5 minutes of free time before next period" I got out of my seat and started walking out of class when I saw the bullies again and froze, "M/n?" Ame said poking my shoulder to get my attention,          "y-yeah?" I said looking at him 'why did I stutter?!" "Are you okay?" "Yeah I'm fine" I sighed and started walking with my head down and hair covering my face while passing them, 'it's working?!' One of them grabbed my shoulder 'never mind' I sighed and looked up "I thought it was you!" The one on the left of the leader said, "I heard he was smart boss maybe he can do our homework?" The one to his right said, "never..." I mumbled the leader glared at me as I saw Ame start to get angry. "Do we need to teach another lesson runt?" I got so mad at that moment but I didn't want to hurt anyone in front of Ame.... "do what ever you want to me.... BUT I WILL NEVER DO ANYTHING FOR YOU AND YOU WILL NOT TOUCH AME!!" I yelled jerking my head up to look him dead in the eyes and grabbing his shirt collar. "What will someone as small as you do?" He teased " I will make you regret ever meeting me" I glared at him. He nodded and the other two went towards Ame.... " I growled at him and kicked him in the stomach making him let go and I rushed over to Ame and stood I front of him with my arms out, I may be smaller then Ame but I'll still protect him. (If our not smaller then him just please pretend you are) Ame just grabbed my shoulder and smiled at me as I tilted my head wondering what he was thinking at this moment. My thoughts where cut off when the leader picked me up and punched my stomach really hard to where I coughed up blood and couldn't move anymore all I could do was listen and watch as Ame began to attack them. He is a better fighter then me... he made them go running off while I just lay there in pain, 'damnit why can't I just stand up for myself..?' He walked over to me and sat down holding my  upper half in his arms "Are you okay..?" His voice full of concern "I'm fine.." I get up but it hurts so badly... "come on we are going home.." he said picking me up "I said I'm fine..." I tried to get him to put me down but he refused and kept waking stopping at a locker. I tilted my head s little as he put me down and I stood there waiting to see what he'll do next. He took out a piece of paper and wrote something down on it and put it into the locker. "What was that?" I asked with a questioning look, "I put a note in Yukis locker saying we went home so she won't be worried about us and so she doesn't wait all day" "oh.." i sighed as I started walking to the exit. "Here I'll give you a piggy back ride" he smiled at me and crouched down for me to get on. "I can walk.. plus I might be to heavy" he just glared at me so I sighed and walked over to him and jumped on his back. I squeaked when he jumped up to get a better grip on my legs. 'He's so close to touching my ass...' I thought as I blushed a crimson red.  After a while I got used to being in his arms/ on his back so I layed my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes.

  After a while I got used to being in his arms/ on his back so I layed my head down on his shoulder and closed my eyes

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What position you are in^^^^
(Besides he isn't grumpy and it's you and him)

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