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M/n Pov~

I woke up to the sound of a snoring Ame and an annoying alarm clock buzzing. We have school today... damnit I forgot about that! I bet I'll run into those bullies again... oh well I have Ame and plus I'm way stronger now! I got out of my REALLY comfy bed in the floor, most people would probably say "how is that comfy? It's just a few blankets with a few pillows!" Or "sleeping on the hard wood floor doesn't that hurt your back?" Well fuck them its all I have and it's all I need. I got up and got dress for like what feels the thousandth time in a year. I hate school... but I guess who doesn't? "Ame wake up we need to go to school!" I say shaking him gently trying not to hurt him by doing it to hard. He groaned like he always did then got up and went to change and get ready. After I was done I decided I wanted to run a bit since I couldn't yesterday. I ran towards the doors and slid them open feeling the wind blow through my H/c hair as I closed my eyes enjoying the cool breeze flying by and the birds chirping. I sighed as I opened my eyes and turned into a wolf starting to walk out when I heard my name being called my Ame and turn towards him. "We are going to be late now come on and get your book bag" I gave him pleading eyes as he shook his head making me huff and an idea popped up into my mind. I barked at him while he tilted his head turning into a wolf to understand me "what?" He asked and looked at me waiting for a reply "you'll have to catch me first!"I jump up excited and ran off hearing a slight growl escape Ame as he chased after me. I had so much fun jumping over logs and chasing bunnies while Ame still chased me. I never really noticed but I was so lucky to have knocked on his specific door for help from my dad, other wise I wouldn't be happy at all and we would have never met since he was thinking of going into the woods to live like a wolf for the rest of his life. I really am lucky huh? I was interrupted from my thoughts as Ame tackled me from behind making me tumble to the ground. "Gotcha!" He growled in a playful way while getting off of me. "Fine lets go and get our book bags..." I hugged and started to walk back to the house. "You have to run or we will be late!" Ame said worriedly as I just ignored him and kept walking. 'Who the fuck do you think I am? An athlete? Hell no I ain't moving I'm a lazy ass bitch!'  My adorable boyfriend got the drift that I wasn't going to move anytime soon so he tricked me by nudging my side making me stare at him with confusion lapping over my face. "Tag!" He said while running ahead of me, he is not getting away that easily! I thought as I ran after him almost getting him until I tripped over a tree root making him get farther ahead. I growled in frustration as I got up running as fast as I could  catching up with him every second. I finally was close enough to him that I jumped on him making him fall to the ground, "hah!! I got you!" I said while panting with my tongue hanging loosely like a string out of my mouth. "I won" he said bluntly making me close my mouth as I looked at him confused, how could he win? I tagged him? "B-but I tagged you..?"  I saw that obvious smirk on his face making me ',humph,' "you may have tagged me but I got you back to the house quicker then we would have made it at the rate you where going" ' WHAT?!?!?! I'm so oblivious to what is going on... literally I just got tricked into RUNNING the number one thing I hate!'  I growled and turned back into a human crossing my arms. Ame turned back into a human and went inside to grab our book bags.  "We have to hurry!" He yelled making me gasp when I looked at the lock, 'we had 5 minutes left until we had to be in the school and only 8 minutes until we had to be at class!' We put our book bags on and turned back into wolves and started booking it back to the school. When we did make it we only had 2 minutes to be in class so we turned back into humans before running to the school entrance and to our class. RING RING RING!!!! The bell went off as all the doors where closed... we where tardy... Ame sighed as we continued to walk to class.

~when they get there because I'm to lazy to write their journey through the mystical school~

We knocked on the door for it to open with a angry looking teacher "and why are you late?!" She asked with a stern face tapping her foot impatiently waiting for an answer. "S-sorry we d-didn't get up in time..." I lied well half way lied I mean we did get up late but I can't tell her ,' oh I just turned into a wolf and ran away playing tag with him in his wolf form!,' "better not happen again in my class or else it's detention!!"  "Yes ma'am.." we said in union and looked to the ground, "we'll get to those seats now!" She yelled making me flinch and we both speed walked to our desks still looking down.

Today has been the worst... and it only just began..

Sorry I haven't updated in a while! At first my wattpad was broken somehow then my phone got taken away, and then school started making me have STACKS of homework! Also I got sick! And now I'm here. So again sorry for not updating and this small and crappy chapter!

Ame x MALE! Reader (wolf children )Where stories live. Discover now