2# Dad..

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You woke up to a girl looking down at you with a bright smile as you awkwardly smiled back. She got up and ran out of the room leaving you with a confused gaze towards the door. You sighed and got up walking out and heading towards the door that leads outside. "Where are you going?" Hana asked "oh I need to get back home... sadly I have to live there and all my stuff is there.." you sighed and continued walking " you can move in with us if you want..." you looked back at her with a shocked look. "Sure! But I need my stuff from there" she nodded and grabbed some keys after telling everyone else to get in the car. After she pulled up to your house you started walking towards the door but when you looked back they looked worried. " he shouldn't be home if he's at work" you reassured them and walking in and up the stairs, luckily you still had the crates and bags from the move so you can put your things in it. You packed up your things but during the middle of it you had a hand slip over your mouth "shhh~ it's just daddy~" "mhmmmm!!" You tried to scream but it didn't work from his hand muffling your cries. Your instincts kicked in and you kicked him where the sun don't shine and bit his hand. He groaned in pain and fell to the floor. You grabbed everything and ran out the door. ( pretend you don't have much ) you put your things in the truck and got in it yourself. But when you looked over your dad was walking over. You noticed he didn't have his weapons... you growled slightly and got back out of the truck. Ame got out too and walked to your side. "You need another person to help you? Your so weak!" He mocked and all you did was smirk until he came up to you and hit your side... "ahh!" You groaned he smirked and turned to Ame who just growled at him which made your dad back up a little bit then laugh. "So you have a dog to protect you!" "He's not a dog! Even if he was I wouldn't care he's my friend! And he actually is nice to me!" You snapped back and he turned around and glared at you before going to kick your side. You scream in pain and Ame snapped attacking your dad, and he actually won... when he walked back over to you he saw you where clenching onto your stomach crying with your knees up to your chest. He sat down beside you and rubbed your back trying to sooth the pain and make you feel better. After a while of laying down you finally got up with the help of Ame and got into the truck.

~time skip brought to you by Ames wolf howling~

After getting back to your new home you went to grab a bag carrying your things but Ame wouldn't let you because of your 'injury' so he carried them and placed them down letting you unpack. Later on when you finally finished unpacking you went to try and get out of the room but Ame stopped you since he watched you unpack the whole time. " you need to sleep it's late and your body needs time to recover" you sighed and walked over to your little bed they made out of blankets and pillows on the floor. "Thanks Ame" you smiled up at him and he smiled back. "For what?" He questioned. "Helping me with my dad" "oh no problem!" You both smiled at each other before you felt warmth on your lips. Your eyes widen when you realized he was kissing you! You started to melt into the kiss with a crimson blush on your cheeks. His tongue slid over your bottom lip asking for entrance which you gladly excepted. He slipped his tongue into your mouth when your tongues fought for dominance which he won.... he explored every inch of your wet cavern as you whined showing him you wanted a turn and he just chuckled and let you slip your tongue into his mouth and explore it. You tilted your head deepening the kiss. But soon you needed air and so you both pulled back and panted. "M/n.. I-I really l-like you..." he said with a tint of pink on his cheeks, "I l-like you t-too" you smiled "n-no I mean I love you.." he said nervously scratching the back of his neck. "I love you too" you smiled as he kissed you one more time before he had to go so you could sleep. You fell asleep thinking about that kiss and dreaming of other 'things' you two could do together.

Sorry it's not that long! It's 4:38 A.M and I haven't slept yet so I'm really tired!

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