#6 Pain...

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  Author note; all of the songs I have played so far are called 'Anti nightcore Discord, Anti nightcore Spooky scary skeletons, Do Re Me, Wiggle (onderkoffer remix ) Jason derulo feat. Snoop dog, Rockabye, and lastly this one is called I want your bite nightcore male.
M/n Pov~

I woke up with my face buried into Ame's chest, 'he smells sooo good...' I closed my eyes and inhaled even more of his scent it smelt like we were in a field of flowers with a clear lake between it all and soft grass everywhere. Ame started to move a little and he ended up putting a arm around me in a protective way even though nothing was happening. 'So cute..' I thought as I was being the weird person I am and poked his cheek as he groaned slightly making me snicker. "Ame~" I said in singing way like Mother's would do to wake up their kids. He groaned and shoved his face into my hair 'that's it..' I thought as a idea came into my head making me smirk a little, I kissed him on the lips making his eyes shoot open in surprise, 'hehe.. it worked..' I pulled away and laughed at the pouting face in front of me. "You need to get up it's probably late and I couldn't move with you squeezing me to death" he just groaned... again... he sat up and lazily rubbed his eyes so he could look around to see what time it was, I saw his eyes widen so I looked over to where he was looking and saw it was ( 12:47) that's the latest we ever slept. (Haha you think that's late? Try sleeping till 5:00 PM like me 😂 ) I was getting ready to get up but felt extreme pain around my ass and layed back down glaring at the laughing Ame. "Why did you have to go so hard?!" I complained and grabbed my h/c locks. "Because you begged me too?" He teased causing me to groan like he did earlier 'why did I do that?! I'm such an idiot...' I tried to get up again but groaned from pain. 'Great now I sound like tired Ame' I pouted at my worried looking boy friend. "Help...?" I asked slightly embarrassed since I'm asking for him to help me stand like I'm 90 years old. (No offense to anyone that's that old even though they most likely aren't even reading this ) He chucked a little and pulled on my arm making me yelp in pain. He tilted his head as if thinking on what to do. I saw his face bright up into a smile as I stared at him confused, he picked me up making me squeak from the sudden action. "There now I can carry you outside if you want" I nodded and he just walked to the sliding doors that lead to outside. He walked down the stair and placed me up to where I was standing, he started waking away and turned to me like he wanted me to follow. I pouted again and started to walk like a penguin making him laugh and me wince in pain. "Here turn into a wolf it might help a little" he said walking back towards me as he turned into a wolf and I followed turning into my wolf as well. "Better?" He asked tilting his head to his left slightly "I guess but I haven't moved yet.." "oh right, well then move" he turned around and walked a few steps before looking back at me. I started to walk but it didn't help much since I was still in pain and my back half still walked like a penguin while my front half was fine. " I look like an idiot.." I mumbled but Ame could obviously head since he's a wolf. "Your fine just come on" I looked at him before slowly making my way over trying not to move so much that it hurt. We slowly made our way over to that cliff we where at last time, Ame was sniffing the ground making sure nothing was near, I mean I did still smell like I was in heat and I'm in a weak state to where something could easily take me and fuck me without me being able to put up a fight. "Are we there yet..?" I said and stopped walking while he looked back at me. "Here you can ride me.." he sighed and my smile widened with glee. I turned into a human as he walked over to me 'damn I never noticed how big his wolf form was compared to my human form...' I thought as I looked at him and he suddenly barked making me snap back to reality and get on him. "Thanks" I smiled and he nodded. He started to walk forward slowly as to try and not hurt me anymore then I already am. I layed down onto my stomach and rapped my arms around his neck, he licked my face making me laugh a little but i instantly stopped when he had to jump over a log making me tighten my hold on him. He had a worried look on his face and kept licking me trying to sooth the pain. I got off of him making him look at me with confusion as I turned into a wolf and walked over to him whimpering a little from the pain still throbbing at my ass. "Sorry.." he whimpered and walked beside me with his ears bent back with a saddened look. I licked his face telling him it's okay and started to walk a little with my tail between my legs to try and sooth it a little. I looked ahead and noticed we where almost there then without thinking I started to run making me yelp at the remembering pain from earlier. "How long does this last..?" I groaned as Ame strutted next to me, "it should be gone soon the latest is by tomorrow" "good.." I started to walk my penguin waddle again and Ame followed staying close by me just in case I would fall or something would go near us.

~time skip to the mountain~

I barked a little with glee as we finally made it, last time we came here it only took around 10 minutes to get here but since I was waddling instead of walking it took around 30 minutes to an hour to get here. I heard Ame growl so I turned to see him staring at the bush with his teeth bared. I tilted my head in confusion when he barked and kept staring at it getting into a fighting position about to pounce when a bunny hopped out and he stared at it with shock making me snicker. He looked over at me and pouted a bit, "don't worry Ame I'll protect you from the scary bunny~" I teased and had my eyes closed from laughing so hard, I then realized that was a mistake when I felt Ame jump onto my side tackling me to the floor. "Ame!! That hurt!" I whined while he made a guilt/sad face. He got off and licked my face in a ',I'm sorry,' kind of way but I wanted pay back by giving him the one thing he hated the most... ignoring him I did a ',humph,' sound and got up ignoring him and walking over to the edge of the cliff sitting down but still keeping my distance so I don't fall. He walked over to me and sat down beside me whimpering 'perfect' he moved his head over to my face trying to look into my eyes and get my attention but I looked away making him whimper even more, I bent my ears back as he started to pout (dang they pout, groan, and complain a lot) he got up and walked over to the other side of me nuzzling my cheek but I turned my head away again. We did that for a while till he gave up and layed down pouting and whining making me feel bad so I layed down next to him nudging his head. He stopped whining and wagged his tail while I layed my head on his paws getting comfortable after he layed his head over mine and interlocked our tails together. "Sorry...." I said still feeling guilty for ignoring him. "It's okay" he smiled licking my face again as we watched the sun go down. I looked over to him and he looked back at me "we should get home it's getting dark and I can't move to fast.." he looked back at the sunset and then got up turning into human and I tilted head. "I'll carry you if you turn into a human" I nodded and did as told making my four legs turn into two legs and two arms with my tail disappearing into my h/c hair. I yawned a bit walking over to Ame as he crouched 'guess I'm getting a piggyback ride' I jumped onto his back making him start to walk back home. laying my head down onto his shoulder I started to drift off to sleep but before I did I heard Ame say one last thing "your adorable."

I know it's a bad chapter but I couldn't think and I should be asleep for school but ehh why not just let my self be deadly tired tomorrow.

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