A/N how me and my sister made our classes depressed.

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Sister Story~

One day Amy sister was in class and that day Happened to be Father's Day. Everyone made a gift for their Dad and showed it to the class, when it was my sisters turn they asked "what did you get your dad?" The class stared at her in wonder before she said "my dads dead...."
Everyone stared at her with a sad smile. And after that day no one has asked her about our dad ever again.

My story~ ( you may think I'm a psychopath after this...)

I was siting in language class ( aka English ) and we had to write a quick write but it had to be about something sad that happened to you or a fake character in your/ their life. So I wrote about the worst thing I could think of that truly happened. I wrote about a 10 year old girl that would soon be turning 11 who watched her father die of a heart attack right in front of her and left the world without a good bye his. The police soon arrived to help out the situation ( I forgot to mention he lashed out on my step brother and got really mad to where he hurt him physically and when my step mom tried to stop him he hurt her to... also it wasn't his fault because he has anger issues and a really bad heart) and his last words were "don't worry I'll be okay" he said with a smile as I was dragged out of the house by my mom and escorted to the neighbors along with my sister and step brother. We where sad and crying so the adult watching us at the time gave us ice tea and icecream to help calm us. When we went back home the police left as we went inside. Our mom and other family members who I guess cams over while we were gone, were standing there in tears. We asked "what's wrong?" And "where's daddy?" They broke down after we asked, not being able to hold it in anymore. My mom brought me in for a hug while my step mom did the same to my sister as my mom said "h-He d-died... if a h-heart attack..." we started balling our eyes out screaming and crying for our dad to please come back. We later went back home with a crying baby in the car and falls asleep exhausted on the way. When we woke up we couldn't believe what happened. We couldn't even go to his funeral because he didn't want us to see him like that because we where his babies. And to this day there hasn't been a single day I haven't thought about him.

After I was done reading the class clapped and cheered for it being a 'great' story the teacher asked "was this real or fake?" I replied "real..." so her curiosity grew and she asked "who did this happen to...?" I started LAUGHING and said "Me!!" The whole class looked depressed and some even cried. One kid teased me in how I was laughing and saying "why are you laughing about your dead dad?!?" And started joking about how I was a evil human and saying things like "hahah my dads dead!!" "Hahah his blood is everywhere!!!" And "hahah his guts are spread out on the floor" but the last one got me... "ill NEVER see him again!!!"

Ever since then I have been hiding my depression with a fake smile as everyone thought I was the happiest person alive... they are wrong but I'm still here and breathing.

Hope you aren't mad at me for not updating enough! But happy Halloween!!!!!!

Ame x MALE! Reader (wolf children )Where stories live. Discover now