Lovers Secret (FINALE... part 1)

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WEBSITE TODAY... I have none ;-; welp bye I guess ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ BTW THIS IS THE LAST CHAPTER SO YEAH... ENJOY!~ Well.. of the parts... mwahaha and im not gonna tell you how many :3 



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KittyHeart's POV

    KittyHeart walked into the warriors' den. It felt... empty. She looked around to see everyone but MightyClaw and NightStorm. Her head was spinning as she thought of them. She had loved MightyClaw.. forever.. but something else was pulling her towards NightStorm. She pushed that aside... her forever love was MightyClaw... right? WolfWhisper padded up to her as she heard. "KittyHeart!" She blinked to see WolfWhisper right in front of her face. She smiled and purred. WolfWhisper purred back, WolfWhisper loved NightStorm... but also LionScar. She had the same problem as KittyHeart... But she had loved NightStorm longer... so they both had the same problem even more so. "So! I have some gossip!" WolfWhisper purred as she sat down and tapped her tail next to her. KittyHeart smiled and sat next to her. "I heard MightyClaw killed CloverStar..." WolfWhisper whispered into her ear.  KittyHeart shot up and ran out of the warriors' den. That couldn't be true... could it? CloverStar died on the same day as MightyClaw was sent in... no. KittyHeart pushed her assumptions away. She loved MightyClaw... he would never hurt the clan leader. Would he?

LionScar's POV

   LionScar walked in the forest. Her flank pressed against the floor. She crept up on a rabbit and was about to jump before... "LIONSCAR!!" Some cat screamed as the rabbit turned its head and hopped away. "Mouse dung!" LionScar hissed.  She turned around to see DeadTail. "So, I was wondering..." She meowed. "How long are you gonna act like a he just for us?" She purred. LionScar blushed under her fur and meowed, "I don't know... Maybe just before someone finds out?" She meowed. LionScar and DeadTail were mates, but most people would judge them for both being she-cats. DeadTail licked her cheek and meowed, "It doesn't matter what they think... just as long as we're happy." LionScar hissed as ShadeDawn walked up to them. "Whats this I hear about you two being happy?" He purred. LionScar growled under her breath. ShadeDawn had seen DeadTail as a 'mate'. "Hey dude, she's mine." LionScar meowed, stepping in front of DeadTail. "Woooaahh... dude... I'm not into her anymore." He meowed, stepping to the side. "What?" LionScar and DeadTail both meowed at the same time. "I overheard you guys, she's into she-cats... I get it." He meowed as he made a tail with his heart between them. "I'm into MuddyStar now. He's a catch. Plus... I realized im into males. " ShadeDawn winked. LionScar and DeadTail both just stared at him. Was he crazy? Just then, LionScar realized its the same thing she's doing with DeadTail... but with a male... Just then, ShadeDawn shot back to the clan after seeing MuddyStar coming back from High Storm. High Storm is where leaders go to get their 9 lives.  LionScar and DeadTail walked back with their tails twirled together.  They got back in time to see MuddyStar hop onto the Great stone. All the cats gathered around the stone as he spoke. "I have gone to High Storm to share tounges with MoonClan. They have sent me a message... but sadly, I cannot tell you." He meowed. All the cats were eager to know. "Only I can know... but it will come true. I have seen the words of MoonClan... and I will do whatever it takes to make sure things don't know the way they have shown me." He said as he hopped off the Great stone. What did he see? LionScar thought 

(COMPLETE) Warrior Kittys: Lovers Intrest: Book 1- Lover's pickWhere stories live. Discover now