Who Will Save KittyHeart?

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 Chapter 7

  NightStorm saw MightyClaw run off as he followed close behind. The badger couldn't take KittyHeart... it just couldn't. MightyClaw jumped as NightStorm tried to stop himself as he slid in the mud, he screamed as he flew out of the mud and onto something's back. He heard a sneering growl as he opened his eyes to see he was on a badger.. it held KittyHeart in its jaws. NightStorm yelled and attacked the Badger's back. Blood slowly dripped from its back as it screamed a terrified yowl. MightyClaw caught KittyHeart as she fell from the Badger's jaw. "LET'S GO!!" MightyClaw screamed as he put KittyHeart on his back and ran. NightStorm jumped off the badger into a tree and followed MightyClaw from above. The Badger screamed once again but all was silent. NightStorm turned back around to see the Badger dead on the ground. He slowly dragged the Badger back to the camp as he heard people chanting MightyClaw... He pulled the Badger into the camp and dropped it in shock as he saw all the clan celebrating... but they thought MightyClaw saved her... NightStorm let out a loud hiss and he stormed into the warriors' den, MightyClaw staring at him with a worried glare. NightStorm pushed all his friendship aside with MightyClaw. MightyClaw was getting the cheers when all he did was pick her up... NightStorm saw KittyHeart give him a loving lick. NightStorm spit on the ground and he curled himself in a corner. Tears fell down his eyes as he closed them... after a while.. the celebration stopped and all the clan went back to what they were doing. NightStorm looked onto the wall of the warriors' den as he heard someone come in. "NightStorm..?" He heard MightyClaw say. NightStorm let out a loud hiss and he looked back at MightyClaw.  MightyClaw stood there, half terrified. "I'm sorry..." He finally said. NightStorm still kept his suspicions clear in his mind. MightyClaw sighed and he sat next to NightStorm. "I came back, half terrified, with KittyHeart on my back... Someone from the clan thought I killed off the Badger and rescued her... But I tried to tell them otherwise... Suddenly the entire clan was cheering for me... I didn't want that... All I did was carry her... Then I saw you... carrying that Badger like it was nothing. You looked at me and ran into here... I didn't want to break our friendship NightStorm... I never wanted that..." MightyClaw cried. NightStorm starred into his eyes. "I will forgive you..." He said quietly, but he wasn't done. "Only if you and I switch for a day." "What!? Are you crazy!? You have black fur and I have orange!!" MightyClaw meowed in terror. "Alright then, enemy." NightStorm joked. MightyClaw rolled his eyes. "Fine! But I don't know how that's gonna work!!" "I heard someone on the camp had goo." NightStorm whispered. "You mean that stuff that you put on your fur then wash it off and your fur turns a different color?"  MightyClaw meowed quietly in interest. "Yep, and we have the same eye color so its fine."  "But who has it?" MightyClaw meowed, NightStorm thought for a moment... "Of course! FalconClaw must!" NightStorm meowed with happiness. 

      NightStorm walked into the medicine cats den with MightyClaw by his side. "Hello. What do you need?" FalconClaw said as he was showing Daisypaw the herbs and medicines. There was a list of all the herbs on a large leaf written in raspberries. NightStorm looked at the list of herbs.


 Borage Leaves Increases milk in queens. Brings down fevers.

Burdock Root – Applied to bites. Cures infections.

Catmint – Remedy for greencough.

Chervil – Applied to wounds. It's leaves cure infections, it's roots help bellyaches.

Cobwebs – Stops bleeding.

Coltsfoot – Helps shortness of breath.

Comfrey – Soothes wounds. Mends broken bones.

(COMPLETE) Warrior Kittys: Lovers Intrest: Book 1- Lover's pickWhere stories live. Discover now