KittyHeart & MightyClaw

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Chapter 1

KittyHeart walked the forest, searching for something to eat when she came across a vole. She slowly crept up... when suddenly something grabbed her cream fur and tugged it out. She screamed in pain as the vole looked at her and ran away. MightyClaw and NightStorm ran toward KittyHeart. "KittyHeart!! What happened to you!!" MightyClaw meowed as he looked at her fur. KittyHeart looked at Mightyclaw and smiled. "I don't know.. good thing your here." She said as she slowly turned around and licked his ear. (Btw, cats do that or something... sounds weird when I type it.) NightStorm just stood there. "Im here too!" He meowed as MightyClaw and KittyHeart just purred. "We know... MightyClaw and I couldn't forget you." KittyHeart meowed, limping toward NightStorm and gave his ear a lick as well. NightStorm purred and shrugged it off. "We better get back to the camp," MightyClaw said as he started walking back. "Alright, I buried some fresh-kill on the way over here, we need to grab that." KittyHeart meowed.

Chapter 2

NightStorm walked behind KittyHeart. He looked at the dirt as he heard KittyHeart and MightyClaw purr in happiness when they walked next to each other. Their tails twirled together and they pressed their muzzles together while walking, KittyHeart limping to the side a little only to be caught by MightyClaw. KittyHeart would never see NightStorm the way she saw MightyClaw. MightClaw and KittyHeart were litter mates... While NightStorm just sat in the corner of the nursery playing with a ball of moss. NightStorm was too shy to ever tell anyone how he felt about KittyHeart... though he let it slip when he was talking to LionScar and WolfWhisper. They were NightStorm's first friends... CloverStar and FalconClaw ran up to KittyHeart and MightyClaw. "What happened!" CloverStar mewed as he looked closer at the patch of fur missing from KittyHeart's fur. "I was trying to catch a vole when something grabbed onto my fur." KittyHeart meowed as she dropped the vole in front of her. "Go to FalconClaw's den so she can try to fix you up." CloverStar meowed as he pointed his tail to the Medicine Cats den where DaisyPaw was walking out. DaisyPaw was FalconClaw's apprentice because FalconClaw was getting old. If FalconClaw died, DaisyPaw would get her warrior name and she would become the Medicine Cat. NightStorm looked at the floor and tuned out all the voices of the cats. He breathed in deeply and sighed as something heavy jumped on him. He fell to the floor as he opened his eyes to see WolfWhisper on top of him with LionScar next to him. "Hey dude!" WolfWhisper said as she smiled. NightStorm smiled back, while LionScar stood there, grinning. "I heard your apprentice is gonna be named today!!" WolfWhisper mewed. NightStorm looked in shock, Shortpaw passed the Warrior test? NightStorm felt a wave of happiness as he mewed back, "That's great! Where is he?" WolfWhisper got off him to let him get up, then looked over at the great stone where Shortpaw was sitting with a giant smile. He already knew.. but NightStorm couldn't congratulate him until after. NightStorm sighed as LionScar walked up to him. "You're proud of him... right?" "Of course! It's just..." NightStorm's voice drifted off as he looked over at Shortpaw. "Shortpaw... tried cheating during his test..." He finally meowed. LionScar and WolfWhisper's faces stood in shock. "How?!" They both said, eager to find out. "He asked me if I would catch him a few things... just so he did better..." NightStorm meowed quietly as CloverStar jumped on the great stone. "All cats old enough to catch their own pray, join under the great stone" He meowed loudly. NightStorm, LionScar, and WolfWhisper all bounded over to the great stone as the apprentices and the rest of the warriors joined in. "Shortpaw..." CloverStar meowed as Shortpaw walked quickly over to the great stone, full of happiness. "You have proved to be a worthy apprentice... Your warrior name shall be... ShortBlaze... may the cats of MoonClan give you the power to be the best this clan has seen." ShortBlaze bowed his head and he and CloverStar touched muzzles. "ShortBlaze!" NightStorm meowed loudly. "ShortBlaze... ShortBlaze! SHORTBLAZE!!!" All the cats meowed in celebration as they all congratulated ShortBlaze. NightStorm walked up to ShortBlaze and touched muzzles with him. "You did great... told ya you didn't need my held..." NightStorm meowed as ShortBlaze purred quietly. "Thanks, NightStorm... I'll try to train your kits!" ShortBlaze mewed as NightStorm starred in shock. "What are you talking about?" NightStorm said, looking ShortBlaze dead in the eyes. "Oh, I heard that WolfWhisper said she was having kits... and you were the father..."

(COMPLETE) Warrior Kittys: Lovers Intrest: Book 1- Lover's pickWhere stories live. Discover now