Answers & Awards.

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Ladies and Gentleman of the detective community, I welcome you all to another awards and answers episode.

It's a great privilege to inform you that we have some new and great people in our midst.

If you're new, please kindly drop a comment to let me know you.

Without further ado.... Let's begin.


91: Gibby The dog.

Answer: Since it was winter and he was wet,Gibby sat by the fire place and the heat got to his collar and it shriveled up and strangled him.

Winner: @Fred_weaslyXX.

92: Snow & Blood.

Answer: The garden was too small,therefore the Gardner should have heard his masters cry of alarm if indeed he is not responsible. And also,the wife was having her morning coffee by noon. The gardener and the wife are the killer.

Winner: @ShareeseMonti.

93: Love For Reese.

Answer: All of the suspects,for if the first letter of their names are arranged correctly, it spells 'Reese'.

Winner: @TomKluiby.

Funny answer: @beefcurtins566.

I think Steven did it. I don't trust bitches named Steven.

94: School Murder.

Answer: The math teacher. She was marking midterm papers on the first day of school.

Winner: @ShareeseMonti.

Story twister: @beefcurtins566.

Funny Answer: @SillyDXlan.

Math's teacher. I knew they were evil.

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